Hello everyone.
We are already at the second meeting of the Assembly of the Parents' Committee.
below the record of what happened.
squad: all parents of pupils
Present: nr. 22 parents
Parents gathered from 18.30 to 20:15 to deal with the following agenda: Approval of the Statute
Election of officers;
Website and blog of the Parents' Committee;
Consideration of the projects identified by the school management;
Project "Alcoholism and Drug Addiction: let's talk!
ASEOP Donation Association.
The meeting approved the following:
1. The Statute of the Parents' Committee was approved and signed by the parents present. Copies are available upon request to the President and the online blog at: http://comitatogenitoripavullo.blogspot.com/2009/02/statuto-del-comitato-dei-genitori.html
was elected President Mrs Rita Captains, Vice-President Mr. Mario Parenti, Secretary Luis Leon, Treasurer Maureen Rondelli.
Ms Claudia Luppi is available to take delivery of the cookbooks created last year to be advertised and sold during the year.
Parents become law Councillors present: Vignudini Monica, Cinzia Manfredini (1 C), Joseph Mignola, Paul Fiore, Marzia Fagg (1D), Chiletti Mara, Brusiani Hermann, Laura Bastai (1F), Francesco Morandi (1G), Luppi Claudia (2A), Maurizio Rondelli, Gorrieri Tiziana (2D), Clement Baldoni, Gianelli Christian Parenti, Mario, Captain Rita (2G), Gazzard Robert, Alessandra Guidi (3A), and Biolchini Antonella Luisa Leoni (1B and 3C).
Mr. Francesco Morandi informed the meeting that the Committee's website is up and running. The invitation for the next meeting will be made via e-mail and therefore are collected email addresses of the parents present.
Among the projects identified by the headmaster for a contribution from the Parents' Committee two seem interesting
Draft English with native speakers;
Musical Theatre Project-prof. Sunflowers and Professor Vitulano for classes 2 ... ....
These projects are still under development is appropriate to collect more precise information first taking a decision.
like the idea of \u200b\u200bproposing to the school that the CG may every year, "finance" (perhaps only partially) a theater and musical activities for classes 2.
parents present agreed about the importance of prevention in the school on issues such as alcoholism, drug addiction, smoking, sexuality etc.
Therefore, it seems important to continue the collaboration (already) between school psychologists and ASL ASL and possibly invite a manager to explain to the CG which can be the most effective interventions.
6. The Assembly may decide to make a donation to the Association ASEOP to fulfill a commitment made last year. The sum will be 700 €, representing 10% of collection for the sale of all cookbooks. The next meeting will decide how to publicize the initiative.
Signed by the President of the Captains
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