squad: all the 71 class representatives, parents, members of the Institute, parents who spoke at the previous meeting, the parents who provided their e-mail address.
Present: nr. 20 parents.
The Assembly met in the Great Hall from 18.30 to 20.30 hours to deal with the following agenda:
1) Native English Project: Report;
2) Theatre Project: a summary meeting with Professor Vitulano;
3) Project Show Palace Ducale presentation;
4) Blog of the CC:, and new proposals;
5) Any other business.
1) With regards to the English course the President Rita Captains reported that the Secretary (in accordance with the teacher Macallister), whereas the number of accessions, provides for the division of students into 9 groups: three groups of class 1 Three groups of class 2 and class three groups of 3 °.
Each group will follow a weekly lesson in Days and times to be announced for a total of 15 weeks.
The total expenditure for the project should be about € 9400. The House estimated that the contribution and decided to give for such project € 3000, approximately one third of the total cost.
is proposed then to ask each student a contribution of € 15 which, multiplied by the number of participants, is expected to collect a sum of around € 3,500.
paid by the school would remain a cost of around € 3,000.
2) The Chairman reported on the meeting with then Professor Vitulano: The Theatre Project involves four classes (2 ° B, 2 ° C, and D 2 ° 2 ° E) for a total of 60 students. Some of the kids sing or recite (with prof. Ed.Musicale of sunflowers) and some will be involved in the preparation of sets and costumes (with prof. Ed.Artistica of Vitulano). Students will be engaged for two hours a week in the afternoon for 10 or 15 meetings, which should lead to the creation of a play at the Cinema MacMazzieri in May. Project cost about € 3,000.
At the request of the CC's involvement in this interesting project of other classes 2 ° (2 ° A, 2 ° 2 ° F and G) Professor Vitulano note that this requires the cooperation of other teachers (in addition to an increase in the cost) to which it undertakes to discuss with colleagues. Since there is no news so far came on, 's Assembly refers to a later date a decision on whether or not to give a monetary contribution to this project.
3) Francesco Morandi briefly introduces the Project Creative Show Palazzo Ducale
this project "creative" would complement and enhance the activities that the ASL already leads in the School-Power Project in classes 1, - Draft Smoke Classes 2 ° - 3 ° Project affectivity in the classroom.
Interested teachers can involve their students in the realization of various kinds of papers (art, crafts, poems, writings, etc..) On the issues raised then, at year end, would be exposed in an exhibition at the Palazzo Ducale where accompanied by a catalog and sold.
This idea was referred to the Deputy Mayor and Vice Stefania Cargioli prof. Claudio Biagini. The Cargioli showed enthusiasm for this initiative and has declared its readiness to allow the use of local municipal activities if necessary. Biagini has found the proposal very interesting, but pointed out that, at this point the school year, the number of teachers are in the midst of planning for so perhaps it is not easy to set a demanding task. Morandi
initiative is committed to designing a "feasible" that will be explained in detail at the next meeting of the CC and subject to the approval of the Board Professors of January 26.
4) For the Blog of the CC finds that the Assembly are still a few parents who use it, probably many still do not know that they exist. Sorry to be so little used such a tool that allows parents to keep up (at home) on a number of initiatives underway in the school attended by their children and allowing team (at home) to express an opinion.
arisen as to how to advertise this blog and are also welcome proposals to try to make more effective communication and mutual understanding between parents and between schools and parents.
5) The President announced that Friday, December 18, during of Parent-Teacher Interviews will be set up a banquet for the sale of cookbooks and T-shirts made last year, parents and pupils who want to work together.
The Chairman of the Committee: Rita Captains
NOTE: The meetings of the Parents' Committee are open to all parents who so desire. If you want to be called to send your e-mail address to Francesco.Morandi @ mac.com
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