How the brain learns to read before? There are methods of reading better than others? Then, we use the same cortical areas when we read Italian, Arabic or Chinese? Stanislas Dehaene shows us how to respond to these questions need to create a whole new science of reading, able to combine what neuroimaging tell us about the cortical circuits underlying the development of graphemes and phonemes with what psychology teaches us cognitive mechanisms related to the art of reading. Hence, we come to know that Read our ongoing acquisition of cortical circuits originally intended for recognition of objects have been "recycled" to decipher the characters more different sizes and shapes and that this conversion was slow, partial and not without difficulty, as evidenced by repeated setbacks they face the children (and not only ...). This science of reading, however, has a value of not only theoretical but also practical, especially in view of a new pedagogy capable of introducing the diverse world of the school's most recent achievements in neuroscience.
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
Why Was My Anestesia Bill Not Fully Covered Aetna
How the brain learns to read before? There are methods of reading better than others? Then, we use the same cortical areas when we read Italian, Arabic or Chinese? Stanislas Dehaene shows us how to respond to these questions need to create a whole new science of reading, able to combine what neuroimaging tell us about the cortical circuits underlying the development of graphemes and phonemes with what psychology teaches us cognitive mechanisms related to the art of reading. Hence, we come to know that Read our ongoing acquisition of cortical circuits originally intended for recognition of objects have been "recycled" to decipher the characters more different sizes and shapes and that this conversion was slow, partial and not without difficulty, as evidenced by repeated setbacks they face the children (and not only ...). This science of reading, however, has a value of not only theoretical but also practical, especially in view of a new pedagogy capable of introducing the diverse world of the school's most recent achievements in neuroscience.
Friday, December 11, 2009
Topless Vs Bottomless
Statute Statute Parents 'Committee Parents' Committee
Following is the status of the Committee in its final version.
rules of the Committee
SCHOOL PARENTS 'Raimondo Montecuccoli "
(adopted by the Assembly 11/19/2009)
Introduction The establishment of a committee of parents is enshrined in art. 15 paragraph 2 of Decree 297/94 (Consolidated laws on education).
It is an initiative of the parents serving as elected representatives in school councils and class to allow for a more active involvement of parents in school life.
It works to strengthen the collaboration between the various components of the school and contribute to the function to promote the civic, cultural and social values \u200b\u200bin the name of respect for man and society.
Article 1 (Name and address)
1. It 'made in accordance with Decree 297/94, the Committee of Parents - called: Parents' Committee of middle school, "Raymond Montecuccoli", hereinafter referred to as CC - for a more efficient link between the families of students and the school. Not for profit, has a democratic structure and is an independent organization from any party or political movement and confessional. Act in accordance with the values \u200b\u200benshrined in the Italian Constitution and is based on solidarity and participation, pursues social, civil and cultural.
2. The Committee headquarters in Viale Marconi 17, at the middle school Montecuccoli.
Article 2 (Laws)
1. The Committee is governed by this Statute, is based on the value of social solidarity and is based on the principles and requirements of DL 297/94 (Consolidation Act of laws on education), the principles and values \u200b\u200benshrined in the Constitution Italian and the Declaration of Human Rights and the Child.
2. The statute binds to its compliance with the members of the Committee. It is the fundamental rule of conduct of the Committee.
3. The Board deliberates the possible regulation of implementation of the Statute, if considered necessary.
Article 3 (Purpose 'and Purposes)
1. The Committee aims to inform, aggregate and represent the parents in respect of through educational, government, the City of Pavullo in Frignano, the province of Modena and the Emilia Romagna region, offering the same initiatives and opinions related to the school.
2. It also seeks the following duties:
a). promote greater cooperation and relationship between school and family in accordance with their mutual roles;
b). facilitate the exchange of information between parents and between the class representatives;
c). promote courses, meetings, conferences, debates and any other initiative that is of help, information and support to parents to improve their personality and that of their children;
d). provide help and advice to parents in the elected organs of school because they feel encouraged and supported in carrying out their duties;
e). seek and maintain liaison with parents of other schools;
f). inform the Headmaster, the Institute Council and Local Authorities are responsible for about difficult situations in its possession, also on ensuring compliance;
g). organize individual training and meeting place for parents;
h). raise funds to finance any specific activities proposed by the Committee and to contribute to the increase in welfare and scientific resources of the school;
i). proposals for local authorities in charge, the Graduate School and the Council of the Institute on:
• maintenance of school buildings;
• canteen, transportation, pre-and post-school
• information initiatives and / or training for parents;
• education health, road safety education, environmental education, intercultural education, education
• the importance of attention to the individual, interpersonal relationships, culture, values \u200b\u200bconstitutionally recognized in our legal system;
• Training Offer Plan (educational purpose and school organization);
• any other matter respecting the freedom of teaching and role is considered to be worthy of study and contribute to making the school the center of social and cultural development of the territory.
Article 4 (members)
1. Adherents to the Committee, without distinction of race or religion, all parents of children attending that, by signing the Charter of the Committee, it implicitly the same purpose, the non-political, non-partisan, non-profit and non-discriminatory, and a sense of solidarity and voluntary work.
2. Membership is personal and not transferable.
Article 5 (rights of members)
1. The members, acting in the Assembly, have the right to elect, or revoke, the elected members of the Board, with full power to apply for each position.
2. The members, in the manner specified below, have the right to convene the Executive Council and the Assembly.
3. The members have the right to information and control systems established by the laws and Regulations.
Article 6 (Duties of Adherents)
1. The members, if it is committed to provide its activities for the purpose of the Committee shall do so in a personal, spontaneous and free, without any profit.
2. The behavior towards other members and outside the organization, is based on solidarity and is implemented with integrity, good faith and moral rigor.
Section 7 (Exclusion, Withdrawal, Revocation and Replacement)
1. The Contractor who contravenes duties established by statute, or it violates the rules or spirit, or physically or morally harm the Committee, or stir up trouble or disagreements between members can be excluded. The exclusion (which must be justified) is approved by the Board of Directors, after listening to explanations (written or oral) of the person excluded. The exclusion means automatic disqualification from office of the Committee.
2. Each member may, at any time and freely, with immediate effect at the time of delivery, withdraw from the Committee, by letter to be delivered to any member of the Executive Committee.
3. Automatically terminates the status of Member of the Parent that no longer has any child attending the School "R. Montecuccoli "Pavullo in Frignano. Can still remain a part of Parents Committee, which express a need by signing a special request to be renewed annually.
4. Participating members of the Board of Directors who, without justification, do not participate in three consecutive meetings, may be replaced on the board of directors by resolution of the Board.
5. The exclusion, withdrawal, revocation and replacement will also automatically forfeit the office of the Committee, both elected and of law.
Section 8 (bodies)
1. The bodies of Committee: the Assembly, the Executive Council.
2. All offices are free.
Section 9 (Assembly)
1. The Assembly is composed of all members. In the first meeting shall be valid when there is a majority of the members and shall be effective by a majority of those present. In the second call shall be valid whatever the number of participants and shall be effective by a majority of those present.
2. Each member and each member of the Board of Directors has right to attend and vote. Every person is entitled to one vote and no proxies are allowed. The vote is clear, unless otherwise requiring resolution of the poll secret, determine.
3. The resolutions relating to amendments to the Statute shall be taken by majority vote of members.
4. The meeting is chaired by the President or Vice-Chairman of the Board and the verbalization is a summary by the Secretary of the Board of Directors, unless otherwise decided by the Assembly.
5. The minutes of the meetings of the Assembly are held by the Secretary and each member has the right to examine it and draw a copy at your expense.
6. Assembly meetings are open to all parents of students attending the middle school R. Montecuccoli Pavullo Frignano in and to all those invited by the Board or by the president for special needs.
Section 10 (Notice of)
1. The Assembly shall meet whenever the Chairman deems appropriate, or when requested by the President at least a fifth of the members of the Board or at least a third of its members.
2. The President shall convene the Assembly by a notice posted on the bulletin boards of MS "R. Montecuccoli "Pavullo Frignano in (or written communications, telephone or computer) at least seven days before. If, for inaction or inability made no President, the call may be made by the Vice-President, or a fifth of the members of the Executive Council, or a third of its members.
3. The Assembly shall meet at least once a year, by November 15, to review the financial statements and for the renewal of elective office.
Article 11 (Board)
1. The Executive Council consists of:
- from elected members (President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer, elected by the Assembly, that the validity of the appointment and office must sign the Statute of the Committee;
- by members of right (class representatives) elected by the parents of each class of MS "R. Montecuccoli "Pavullo in Frignano, where they have signed the Statutes of the Committee;
- elected by Parents in the School Council, where they have signed the Statutes of the Committee;
- Parents from every part of the study group or commission (table , newsletter, solidarity, etc.).
2. The Executive Council shall be valid when there is a third of the members and shall be effective by a majority of those present. Every member has right to attend and vote. Every person is entitled to one vote and no proxies are allowed. The vote is clear, unless otherwise require approval by the Board of Directors that the secret ballot, determine.
3. The resolutions relating to amendments to the Regulations, or to exclude individuals from membership, or to replace a member of the Board, or of any appointment of the Auditor shall be taken by majority vote of the members.
4. The Board is chaired by the President or Vice-Chairman of the Board and the verbalization summary, if considered necessary, be performed by the Secretary, unless otherwise decided by the Board.
5. Any minutes of meetings of the Council are kept by the Secretary and each member has the right to examine it and draw a copy of its costs.
Article 12 (Convening of the Board)
1. The Executive Council shall meet whenever the Chairman deems appropriate, or when requested by at least three members.
2. The President shall convene the Executive Board with a notice posted on the bulletin boards of MS "R. Montecuccoli "Pavullo Frignano in (or written communications, telephone or computer) at least five days before. If, for inaction or inability made no President, the call may be made by the Vice-President, or by three members of the Board of Directors.
Article 13 (Functions of the Organs and duration)
1. The Assembly has jurisdiction on the following subjects:
- approval of statement of cash flows;
- appointment or dismissal of the President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer;
- determination of specific addresses or sent to other bodies of the Committee;
- approval or amendment of the Statute;
- dissolution of the Committee.
2. The Board has jurisdiction on the following subjects:
- the process of exclusion of members, or replacement of members of the Board;
- definition of programs and projects;
- overall coordination Committee;
- the establishment of study groups or work;
- definition of special mandates to the President;
- approval or amendment of any regulation;
- Any appointment or revocation, and determination of the duration in office, an auditor, if appointed will prepare a special report to the financial statements.
3. The President has powers for ordinary and extraordinary administration and the legal and judicial representation of the Committee, with power to delegate, if not possible, absence or incapacity of the President, the powers and representation shall be exercised by the Vice-President. President and Vice-President are part of the right of any group work or study.
4. The Secretary shall update and keep records of the Committee (list of members and offices, minutes of meetings, records and other documents) and the Protocol and ensure the functional links with other external bodies and is part of the right of each working group or study.
5. The Treasurer oversees the assets of the Committee, shall keep the accounts and formalizes the statement of cash flows with the support of the Executive Committee, expressing any views on, a part of the right of any group work or study.
7. The elected positions expire and must be renewed by the Assembly within November 15 of each year. Members may be reappointed to expire.
Article 14 (Workshops and / or studio)
1. The Committee may appoint from among its members one or more working groups and / or special studies that reinforce specific themes for further submitted proposals to the Committee for approval. Each Working Group will appoint an internal coordinator who promotes and coordinates the activities of the Group maintaining relationships and contacts with other parents.
Article 15 (Indication of resources)
1. Economic resources (or wealth) of the Committee shall consist of:
a) goods, buildings and furniture;
b) contributions, gifts, bequests, inheritances, legacies, donations and expenses;
c) any other type of entry consistent with the charitable purposes of the Committee and to the financing of the institutional activity of the same.
2. The Committee does not engage in any business or productive, if not absolutely marginal and strictly focus on satisfying the statutory purposes and never for profit.
Clause 16 (Use and allocation of resources)
1. The Committee may not distribute, even indirectly, profits and surpluses, as well as funds, reserves or capital during his life, except as provided by law. Those profits and surpluses, over the life of the Committee, will be fully used for the institutional activities and those closely connected.
2. In the event of dissolution or termination of the Committee, the remaining resources (completed liquidation procedures based on indications that the Assembly passed a resolution) will be distributed to other associations or public purposes, unless otherwise assigned by law.
Article 17 (Financial Statement)
1. The cash flow statement of the Committee on an annual basis (September 1 - August 31) and is broadly consistent with the year school just ended. It must be submitted for approval by November 15 of each year.
2. The Report is based on the conduct of an orderly and clear accounting. Has all income and expenses related to the reporting period, highlighting the availability of early and late checkout. In an annex forms an integral part of the statement should be given any credit and debt outstanding at the date of the statement itself, as well as an inventory of assets owned or held in any capacity by the Committee. It may be accompanied by relevant reports of the Treasurer, the President and the Board of Directors.
3. Where it has been appointed auditor, the statement of cash flows also will be accompanied by the report of its mission.
4. Once submitted to the Assembly, the cash flow statement is shown on the notice boards of MS "R. Montecuccoli "Pavullo Frignano in for at least fifteen days and is circulated to the Directorate. At least fifteen days prior to its approval, the statement is available to any Contractor who wants to examine it.
Article 18 (Insurance)
The Committee may make appropriate, or ensure the Participating operational responsibility for damages resulting from contractual and extra-contractual.
Article 19 (Final)
As is contemplated by the present Statute, reference is made to the laws and regulations and the principles of the legal system in relation to voluntary organizations, solidarity and social development.
President Rita
Following is the status of the Committee in its final version.
rules of the Committee
SCHOOL PARENTS 'Raimondo Montecuccoli "
(adopted by the Assembly 11/19/2009)
Introduction The establishment of a committee of parents is enshrined in art. 15 paragraph 2 of Decree 297/94 (Consolidated laws on education).
It is an initiative of the parents serving as elected representatives in school councils and class to allow for a more active involvement of parents in school life.
It works to strengthen the collaboration between the various components of the school and contribute to the function to promote the civic, cultural and social values \u200b\u200bin the name of respect for man and society.
Article 1 (Name and address)
1. It 'made in accordance with Decree 297/94, the Committee of Parents - called: Parents' Committee of middle school, "Raymond Montecuccoli", hereinafter referred to as CC - for a more efficient link between the families of students and the school. Not for profit, has a democratic structure and is an independent organization from any party or political movement and confessional. Act in accordance with the values \u200b\u200benshrined in the Italian Constitution and is based on solidarity and participation, pursues social, civil and cultural.
2. The Committee headquarters in Viale Marconi 17, at the middle school Montecuccoli.
Article 2 (Laws)
1. The Committee is governed by this Statute, is based on the value of social solidarity and is based on the principles and requirements of DL 297/94 (Consolidation Act of laws on education), the principles and values \u200b\u200benshrined in the Constitution Italian and the Declaration of Human Rights and the Child.
2. The statute binds to its compliance with the members of the Committee. It is the fundamental rule of conduct of the Committee.
3. The Board deliberates the possible regulation of implementation of the Statute, if considered necessary.
Article 3 (Purpose 'and Purposes)
1. The Committee aims to inform, aggregate and represent the parents in respect of through educational, government, the City of Pavullo in Frignano, the province of Modena and the Emilia Romagna region, offering the same initiatives and opinions related to the school.
2. It also seeks the following duties:
a). promote greater cooperation and relationship between school and family in accordance with their mutual roles;
b). facilitate the exchange of information between parents and between the class representatives;
c). promote courses, meetings, conferences, debates and any other initiative that is of help, information and support to parents to improve their personality and that of their children;
d). provide help and advice to parents in the elected organs of school because they feel encouraged and supported in carrying out their duties;
e). seek and maintain liaison with parents of other schools;
f). inform the Headmaster, the Institute Council and Local Authorities are responsible for about difficult situations in its possession, also on ensuring compliance;
g). organize individual training and meeting place for parents;
h). raise funds to finance any specific activities proposed by the Committee and to contribute to the increase in welfare and scientific resources of the school;
i). proposals for local authorities in charge, the Graduate School and the Council of the Institute on:
• maintenance of school buildings;
• canteen, transportation, pre-and post-school
• information initiatives and / or training for parents;
• education health, road safety education, environmental education, intercultural education, education
• the importance of attention to the individual, interpersonal relationships, culture, values \u200b\u200bconstitutionally recognized in our legal system;
• Training Offer Plan (educational purpose and school organization);
• any other matter respecting the freedom of teaching and role is considered to be worthy of study and contribute to making the school the center of social and cultural development of the territory.
Article 4 (members)
1. Adherents to the Committee, without distinction of race or religion, all parents of children attending that, by signing the Charter of the Committee, it implicitly the same purpose, the non-political, non-partisan, non-profit and non-discriminatory, and a sense of solidarity and voluntary work.
2. Membership is personal and not transferable.
Article 5 (rights of members)
1. The members, acting in the Assembly, have the right to elect, or revoke, the elected members of the Board, with full power to apply for each position.
2. The members, in the manner specified below, have the right to convene the Executive Council and the Assembly.
3. The members have the right to information and control systems established by the laws and Regulations.
Article 6 (Duties of Adherents)
1. The members, if it is committed to provide its activities for the purpose of the Committee shall do so in a personal, spontaneous and free, without any profit.
2. The behavior towards other members and outside the organization, is based on solidarity and is implemented with integrity, good faith and moral rigor.
Section 7 (Exclusion, Withdrawal, Revocation and Replacement)
1. The Contractor who contravenes duties established by statute, or it violates the rules or spirit, or physically or morally harm the Committee, or stir up trouble or disagreements between members can be excluded. The exclusion (which must be justified) is approved by the Board of Directors, after listening to explanations (written or oral) of the person excluded. The exclusion means automatic disqualification from office of the Committee.
2. Each member may, at any time and freely, with immediate effect at the time of delivery, withdraw from the Committee, by letter to be delivered to any member of the Executive Committee.
3. Automatically terminates the status of Member of the Parent that no longer has any child attending the School "R. Montecuccoli "Pavullo in Frignano. Can still remain a part of Parents Committee, which express a need by signing a special request to be renewed annually.
4. Participating members of the Board of Directors who, without justification, do not participate in three consecutive meetings, may be replaced on the board of directors by resolution of the Board.
5. The exclusion, withdrawal, revocation and replacement will also automatically forfeit the office of the Committee, both elected and of law.
Section 8 (bodies)
1. The bodies of Committee: the Assembly, the Executive Council.
2. All offices are free.
Section 9 (Assembly)
1. The Assembly is composed of all members. In the first meeting shall be valid when there is a majority of the members and shall be effective by a majority of those present. In the second call shall be valid whatever the number of participants and shall be effective by a majority of those present.
2. Each member and each member of the Board of Directors has right to attend and vote. Every person is entitled to one vote and no proxies are allowed. The vote is clear, unless otherwise requiring resolution of the poll secret, determine.
3. The resolutions relating to amendments to the Statute shall be taken by majority vote of members.
4. The meeting is chaired by the President or Vice-Chairman of the Board and the verbalization is a summary by the Secretary of the Board of Directors, unless otherwise decided by the Assembly.
5. The minutes of the meetings of the Assembly are held by the Secretary and each member has the right to examine it and draw a copy at your expense.
6. Assembly meetings are open to all parents of students attending the middle school R. Montecuccoli Pavullo Frignano in and to all those invited by the Board or by the president for special needs.
Section 10 (Notice of)
1. The Assembly shall meet whenever the Chairman deems appropriate, or when requested by the President at least a fifth of the members of the Board or at least a third of its members.
2. The President shall convene the Assembly by a notice posted on the bulletin boards of MS "R. Montecuccoli "Pavullo Frignano in (or written communications, telephone or computer) at least seven days before. If, for inaction or inability made no President, the call may be made by the Vice-President, or a fifth of the members of the Executive Council, or a third of its members.
3. The Assembly shall meet at least once a year, by November 15, to review the financial statements and for the renewal of elective office.
Article 11 (Board)
1. The Executive Council consists of:
- from elected members (President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer, elected by the Assembly, that the validity of the appointment and office must sign the Statute of the Committee;
- by members of right (class representatives) elected by the parents of each class of MS "R. Montecuccoli "Pavullo in Frignano, where they have signed the Statutes of the Committee;
- elected by Parents in the School Council, where they have signed the Statutes of the Committee;
- Parents from every part of the study group or commission (table , newsletter, solidarity, etc.).
2. The Executive Council shall be valid when there is a third of the members and shall be effective by a majority of those present. Every member has right to attend and vote. Every person is entitled to one vote and no proxies are allowed. The vote is clear, unless otherwise require approval by the Board of Directors that the secret ballot, determine.
3. The resolutions relating to amendments to the Regulations, or to exclude individuals from membership, or to replace a member of the Board, or of any appointment of the Auditor shall be taken by majority vote of the members.
4. The Board is chaired by the President or Vice-Chairman of the Board and the verbalization summary, if considered necessary, be performed by the Secretary, unless otherwise decided by the Board.
5. Any minutes of meetings of the Council are kept by the Secretary and each member has the right to examine it and draw a copy of its costs.
Article 12 (Convening of the Board)
1. The Executive Council shall meet whenever the Chairman deems appropriate, or when requested by at least three members.
2. The President shall convene the Executive Board with a notice posted on the bulletin boards of MS "R. Montecuccoli "Pavullo Frignano in (or written communications, telephone or computer) at least five days before. If, for inaction or inability made no President, the call may be made by the Vice-President, or by three members of the Board of Directors.
Article 13 (Functions of the Organs and duration)
1. The Assembly has jurisdiction on the following subjects:
- approval of statement of cash flows;
- appointment or dismissal of the President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer;
- determination of specific addresses or sent to other bodies of the Committee;
- approval or amendment of the Statute;
- dissolution of the Committee.
2. The Board has jurisdiction on the following subjects:
- the process of exclusion of members, or replacement of members of the Board;
- definition of programs and projects;
- overall coordination Committee;
- the establishment of study groups or work;
- definition of special mandates to the President;
- approval or amendment of any regulation;
- Any appointment or revocation, and determination of the duration in office, an auditor, if appointed will prepare a special report to the financial statements.
3. The President has powers for ordinary and extraordinary administration and the legal and judicial representation of the Committee, with power to delegate, if not possible, absence or incapacity of the President, the powers and representation shall be exercised by the Vice-President. President and Vice-President are part of the right of any group work or study.
4. The Secretary shall update and keep records of the Committee (list of members and offices, minutes of meetings, records and other documents) and the Protocol and ensure the functional links with other external bodies and is part of the right of each working group or study.
5. The Treasurer oversees the assets of the Committee, shall keep the accounts and formalizes the statement of cash flows with the support of the Executive Committee, expressing any views on, a part of the right of any group work or study.
7. The elected positions expire and must be renewed by the Assembly within November 15 of each year. Members may be reappointed to expire.
Article 14 (Workshops and / or studio)
1. The Committee may appoint from among its members one or more working groups and / or special studies that reinforce specific themes for further submitted proposals to the Committee for approval. Each Working Group will appoint an internal coordinator who promotes and coordinates the activities of the Group maintaining relationships and contacts with other parents.
Article 15 (Indication of resources)
1. Economic resources (or wealth) of the Committee shall consist of:
a) goods, buildings and furniture;
b) contributions, gifts, bequests, inheritances, legacies, donations and expenses;
c) any other type of entry consistent with the charitable purposes of the Committee and to the financing of the institutional activity of the same.
2. The Committee does not engage in any business or productive, if not absolutely marginal and strictly focus on satisfying the statutory purposes and never for profit.
Clause 16 (Use and allocation of resources)
1. The Committee may not distribute, even indirectly, profits and surpluses, as well as funds, reserves or capital during his life, except as provided by law. Those profits and surpluses, over the life of the Committee, will be fully used for the institutional activities and those closely connected.
2. In the event of dissolution or termination of the Committee, the remaining resources (completed liquidation procedures based on indications that the Assembly passed a resolution) will be distributed to other associations or public purposes, unless otherwise assigned by law.
Article 17 (Financial Statement)
1. The cash flow statement of the Committee on an annual basis (September 1 - August 31) and is broadly consistent with the year school just ended. It must be submitted for approval by November 15 of each year.
2. The Report is based on the conduct of an orderly and clear accounting. Has all income and expenses related to the reporting period, highlighting the availability of early and late checkout. In an annex forms an integral part of the statement should be given any credit and debt outstanding at the date of the statement itself, as well as an inventory of assets owned or held in any capacity by the Committee. It may be accompanied by relevant reports of the Treasurer, the President and the Board of Directors.
3. Where it has been appointed auditor, the statement of cash flows also will be accompanied by the report of its mission.
4. Once submitted to the Assembly, the cash flow statement is shown on the notice boards of MS "R. Montecuccoli "Pavullo Frignano in for at least fifteen days and is circulated to the Directorate. At least fifteen days prior to its approval, the statement is available to any Contractor who wants to examine it.
Article 18 (Insurance)
The Committee may make appropriate, or ensure the Participating operational responsibility for damages resulting from contractual and extra-contractual.
Article 19 (Final)
As is contemplated by the present Statute, reference is made to the laws and regulations and the principles of the legal system in relation to voluntary organizations, solidarity and social development.
President Rita
Topless Vs Bottomless
Statute Statute Parents 'Committee Parents' Committee
Following is the status of the Committee in its final version.
rules of the Committee
SCHOOL PARENTS 'Raimondo Montecuccoli "
(adopted by the Assembly 11/19/2009)
Introduction The establishment of a committee of parents is enshrined in art. 15 paragraph 2 of Decree 297/94 (Consolidated laws on education).
It is an initiative of the parents serving as elected representatives in school councils and class to allow for a more active involvement of parents in school life.
It works to strengthen the collaboration between the various components of the school and contribute to the function to promote the civic, cultural and social values \u200b\u200bin the name of respect for man and society.
Article 1 (Name and address)
1. It 'made in accordance with Decree 297/94, the Committee of Parents - called: Parents' Committee of middle school, "Raymond Montecuccoli", hereinafter referred to as CC - for a more efficient link between the families of students and the school. Not for profit, has a democratic structure and is an independent organization from any party or political movement and confessional. Act in accordance with the values \u200b\u200benshrined in the Italian Constitution and is based on solidarity and participation, pursues social, civil and cultural.
2. The Committee headquarters in Viale Marconi 17, at the middle school Montecuccoli.
Article 2 (Laws)
1. The Committee is governed by this Statute, is based on the value of social solidarity and is based on the principles and requirements of DL 297/94 (Consolidation Act of laws on education), the principles and values \u200b\u200benshrined in the Constitution Italian and the Declaration of Human Rights and the Child.
2. The statute binds to its compliance with the members of the Committee. It is the fundamental rule of conduct of the Committee.
3. The Board deliberates the possible regulation of implementation of the Statute, if considered necessary.
Article 3 (Purpose 'and Purposes)
1. The Committee aims to inform, aggregate and represent the parents in respect of through educational, government, the City of Pavullo in Frignano, the province of Modena and the Emilia Romagna region, offering the same initiatives and opinions related to the school.
2. It also seeks the following duties:
a). promote greater cooperation and relationship between school and family in accordance with their mutual roles;
b). facilitate the exchange of information between parents and between the class representatives;
c). promote courses, meetings, conferences, debates and any other initiative that is of help, information and support to parents to improve their personality and that of their children;
d). provide help and advice to parents in the elected organs of school because they feel encouraged and supported in carrying out their duties;
e). seek and maintain liaison with parents of other schools;
f). inform the Headmaster, the Institute Council and Local Authorities are responsible for about difficult situations in its possession, also on ensuring compliance;
g). organize individual training and meeting place for parents;
h). raise funds to finance any specific activities proposed by the Committee and to contribute to the increase in welfare and scientific resources of the school;
i). proposals for local authorities in charge, the Graduate School and the Council of the Institute on:
• maintenance of school buildings;
• canteen, transportation, pre-and post-school
• information initiatives and / or training for parents;
• education health, road safety education, environmental education, intercultural education, education
• the importance of attention to the individual, interpersonal relationships, culture, values \u200b\u200bconstitutionally recognized in our legal system;
• Training Offer Plan (educational purpose and school organization);
• any other matter respecting the freedom of teaching and role is considered to be worthy of study and contribute to making the school the center of social and cultural development of the territory.
Article 4 (members)
1. Adherents to the Committee, without distinction of race or religion, all parents of children attending that, by signing the Charter of the Committee, it implicitly the same purpose, the non-political, non-partisan, non-profit and non-discriminatory, and a sense of solidarity and voluntary work.
2. Membership is personal and not transferable.
Article 5 (rights of members)
1. The members, acting in the Assembly, have the right to elect, or revoke, the elected members of the Board, with full power to apply for each position.
2. The members, in the manner specified below, have the right to convene the Executive Council and the Assembly.
3. The members have the right to information and control systems established by the laws and Regulations.
Article 6 (Duties of Adherents)
1. The members, if it is committed to provide its activities for the purpose of the Committee shall do so in a personal, spontaneous and free, without any profit.
2. The behavior towards other members and outside the organization, is based on solidarity and is implemented with integrity, good faith and moral rigor.
Section 7 (Exclusion, Withdrawal, Revocation and Replacement)
1. The Contractor who contravenes duties established by statute, or it violates the rules or spirit, or physically or morally harm the Committee, or stir up trouble or disagreements between members can be excluded. The exclusion (which must be justified) is approved by the Board of Directors, after listening to explanations (written or oral) of the person excluded. The exclusion means automatic disqualification from office of the Committee.
2. Each member may, at any time and freely, with immediate effect at the time of delivery, withdraw from the Committee, by letter to be delivered to any member of the Executive Committee.
3. Automatically terminates the status of Member of the Parent that no longer has any child attending the School "R. Montecuccoli "Pavullo in Frignano. Can still remain a part of Parents Committee, which express a need by signing a special request to be renewed annually.
4. Participating members of the Board of Directors who, without justification, do not participate in three consecutive meetings, may be replaced on the board of directors by resolution of the Board.
5. The exclusion, withdrawal, revocation and replacement will also automatically forfeit the office of the Committee, both elected and of law.
Section 8 (bodies)
1. The bodies of Committee: the Assembly, the Executive Council.
2. All offices are free.
Section 9 (Assembly)
1. The Assembly is composed of all members. In the first meeting shall be valid when there is a majority of the members and shall be effective by a majority of those present. In the second call shall be valid whatever the number of participants and shall be effective by a majority of those present.
2. Each member and each member of the Board of Directors has right to attend and vote. Every person is entitled to one vote and no proxies are allowed. The vote is clear, unless otherwise requiring resolution of the poll secret, determine.
3. The resolutions relating to amendments to the Statute shall be taken by majority vote of members.
4. The meeting is chaired by the President or Vice-Chairman of the Board and the verbalization is a summary by the Secretary of the Board of Directors, unless otherwise decided by the Assembly.
5. The minutes of the meetings of the Assembly are held by the Secretary and each member has the right to examine it and draw a copy at your expense.
6. Assembly meetings are open to all parents of students attending the middle school R. Montecuccoli Pavullo Frignano in and to all those invited by the Board or by the president for special needs.
Section 10 (Notice of)
1. The Assembly shall meet whenever the Chairman deems appropriate, or when requested by the President at least a fifth of the members of the Board or at least a third of its members.
2. The President shall convene the Assembly by a notice posted on the bulletin boards of MS "R. Montecuccoli "Pavullo Frignano in (or written communications, telephone or computer) at least seven days before. If, for inaction or inability made no President, the call may be made by the Vice-President, or a fifth of the members of the Executive Council, or a third of its members.
3. The Assembly shall meet at least once a year, by November 15, to review the financial statements and for the renewal of elective office.
Article 11 (Board)
1. The Executive Council consists of:
- from elected members (President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer, elected by the Assembly, that the validity of the appointment and office must sign the Statute of the Committee;
- by members of right (class representatives) elected by the parents of each class of MS "R. Montecuccoli "Pavullo in Frignano, where they have signed the Statutes of the Committee;
- elected by Parents in the School Council, where they have signed the Statutes of the Committee;
- Parents from every part of the study group or commission (table , newsletter, solidarity, etc.).
2. The Executive Council shall be valid when there is a third of the members and shall be effective by a majority of those present. Every member has right to attend and vote. Every person is entitled to one vote and no proxies are allowed. The vote is clear, unless otherwise require approval by the Board of Directors that the secret ballot, determine.
3. The resolutions relating to amendments to the Regulations, or to exclude individuals from membership, or to replace a member of the Board, or of any appointment of the Auditor shall be taken by majority vote of the members.
4. The Board is chaired by the President or Vice-Chairman of the Board and the verbalization summary, if considered necessary, be performed by the Secretary, unless otherwise decided by the Board.
5. Any minutes of meetings of the Council are kept by the Secretary and each member has the right to examine it and draw a copy of its costs.
Article 12 (Convening of the Board)
1. The Executive Council shall meet whenever the Chairman deems appropriate, or when requested by at least three members.
2. The President shall convene the Executive Board with a notice posted on the bulletin boards of MS "R. Montecuccoli "Pavullo Frignano in (or written communications, telephone or computer) at least five days before. If, for inaction or inability made no President, the call may be made by the Vice-President, or by three members of the Board of Directors.
Article 13 (Functions of the Organs and duration)
1. The Assembly has jurisdiction on the following subjects:
- approval of statement of cash flows;
- appointment or dismissal of the President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer;
- determination of specific addresses or sent to other bodies of the Committee;
- approval or amendment of the Statute;
- dissolution of the Committee.
2. The Board has jurisdiction on the following subjects:
- the process of exclusion of members, or replacement of members of the Board;
- definition of programs and projects;
- overall coordination Committee;
- the establishment of study groups or work;
- definition of special mandates to the President;
- approval or amendment of any regulation;
- Any appointment or revocation, and determination of the duration in office, an auditor, if appointed will prepare a special report to the financial statements.
3. The President has powers for ordinary and extraordinary administration and the legal and judicial representation of the Committee, with power to delegate, if not possible, absence or incapacity of the President, the powers and representation shall be exercised by the Vice-President. President and Vice-President are part of the right of any group work or study.
4. The Secretary shall update and keep records of the Committee (list of members and offices, minutes of meetings, records and other documents) and the Protocol and ensure the functional links with other external bodies and is part of the right of each working group or study.
5. The Treasurer oversees the assets of the Committee, shall keep the accounts and formalizes the statement of cash flows with the support of the Executive Committee, expressing any views on, a part of the right of any group work or study.
7. The elected positions expire and must be renewed by the Assembly within November 15 of each year. Members may be reappointed to expire.
Article 14 (Workshops and / or studio)
1. The Committee may appoint from among its members one or more working groups and / or special studies that reinforce specific themes for further submitted proposals to the Committee for approval. Each Working Group will appoint an internal coordinator who promotes and coordinates the activities of the Group maintaining relationships and contacts with other parents.
Article 15 (Indication of resources)
1. Economic resources (or wealth) of the Committee shall consist of:
a) goods, buildings and furniture;
b) contributions, gifts, bequests, inheritances, legacies, donations and expenses;
c) any other type of entry consistent with the charitable purposes of the Committee and to the financing of the institutional activity of the same.
2. The Committee does not engage in any business or productive, if not absolutely marginal and strictly focus on satisfying the statutory purposes and never for profit.
Clause 16 (Use and allocation of resources)
1. The Committee may not distribute, even indirectly, profits and surpluses, as well as funds, reserves or capital during his life, except as provided by law. Those profits and surpluses, over the life of the Committee, will be fully used for the institutional activities and those closely connected.
2. In the event of dissolution or termination of the Committee, the remaining resources (completed liquidation procedures based on indications that the Assembly passed a resolution) will be distributed to other associations or public purposes, unless otherwise assigned by law.
Article 17 (Financial Statement)
1. The cash flow statement of the Committee on an annual basis (September 1 - August 31) and is broadly consistent with the year school just ended. It must be submitted for approval by November 15 of each year.
2. The Report is based on the conduct of an orderly and clear accounting. Has all income and expenses related to the reporting period, highlighting the availability of early and late checkout. In an annex forms an integral part of the statement should be given any credit and debt outstanding at the date of the statement itself, as well as an inventory of assets owned or held in any capacity by the Committee. It may be accompanied by relevant reports of the Treasurer, the President and the Board of Directors.
3. Where it has been appointed auditor, the statement of cash flows also will be accompanied by the report of its mission.
4. Once submitted to the Assembly, the cash flow statement is shown on the notice boards of MS "R. Montecuccoli "Pavullo Frignano in for at least fifteen days and is circulated to the Directorate. At least fifteen days prior to its approval, the statement is available to any Contractor who wants to examine it.
Article 18 (Insurance)
The Committee may make appropriate, or ensure the Participating operational responsibility for damages resulting from contractual and extra-contractual.
Article 19 (Final)
As is contemplated by the present Statute, reference is made to the laws and regulations and the principles of the legal system in relation to voluntary organizations, solidarity and social development.
President Rita
Following is the status of the Committee in its final version.
rules of the Committee
SCHOOL PARENTS 'Raimondo Montecuccoli "
(adopted by the Assembly 11/19/2009)
Introduction The establishment of a committee of parents is enshrined in art. 15 paragraph 2 of Decree 297/94 (Consolidated laws on education).
It is an initiative of the parents serving as elected representatives in school councils and class to allow for a more active involvement of parents in school life.
It works to strengthen the collaboration between the various components of the school and contribute to the function to promote the civic, cultural and social values \u200b\u200bin the name of respect for man and society.
Article 1 (Name and address)
1. It 'made in accordance with Decree 297/94, the Committee of Parents - called: Parents' Committee of middle school, "Raymond Montecuccoli", hereinafter referred to as CC - for a more efficient link between the families of students and the school. Not for profit, has a democratic structure and is an independent organization from any party or political movement and confessional. Act in accordance with the values \u200b\u200benshrined in the Italian Constitution and is based on solidarity and participation, pursues social, civil and cultural.
2. The Committee headquarters in Viale Marconi 17, at the middle school Montecuccoli.
Article 2 (Laws)
1. The Committee is governed by this Statute, is based on the value of social solidarity and is based on the principles and requirements of DL 297/94 (Consolidation Act of laws on education), the principles and values \u200b\u200benshrined in the Constitution Italian and the Declaration of Human Rights and the Child.
2. The statute binds to its compliance with the members of the Committee. It is the fundamental rule of conduct of the Committee.
3. The Board deliberates the possible regulation of implementation of the Statute, if considered necessary.
Article 3 (Purpose 'and Purposes)
1. The Committee aims to inform, aggregate and represent the parents in respect of through educational, government, the City of Pavullo in Frignano, the province of Modena and the Emilia Romagna region, offering the same initiatives and opinions related to the school.
2. It also seeks the following duties:
a). promote greater cooperation and relationship between school and family in accordance with their mutual roles;
b). facilitate the exchange of information between parents and between the class representatives;
c). promote courses, meetings, conferences, debates and any other initiative that is of help, information and support to parents to improve their personality and that of their children;
d). provide help and advice to parents in the elected organs of school because they feel encouraged and supported in carrying out their duties;
e). seek and maintain liaison with parents of other schools;
f). inform the Headmaster, the Institute Council and Local Authorities are responsible for about difficult situations in its possession, also on ensuring compliance;
g). organize individual training and meeting place for parents;
h). raise funds to finance any specific activities proposed by the Committee and to contribute to the increase in welfare and scientific resources of the school;
i). proposals for local authorities in charge, the Graduate School and the Council of the Institute on:
• maintenance of school buildings;
• canteen, transportation, pre-and post-school
• information initiatives and / or training for parents;
• education health, road safety education, environmental education, intercultural education, education
• the importance of attention to the individual, interpersonal relationships, culture, values \u200b\u200bconstitutionally recognized in our legal system;
• Training Offer Plan (educational purpose and school organization);
• any other matter respecting the freedom of teaching and role is considered to be worthy of study and contribute to making the school the center of social and cultural development of the territory.
Article 4 (members)
1. Adherents to the Committee, without distinction of race or religion, all parents of children attending that, by signing the Charter of the Committee, it implicitly the same purpose, the non-political, non-partisan, non-profit and non-discriminatory, and a sense of solidarity and voluntary work.
2. Membership is personal and not transferable.
Article 5 (rights of members)
1. The members, acting in the Assembly, have the right to elect, or revoke, the elected members of the Board, with full power to apply for each position.
2. The members, in the manner specified below, have the right to convene the Executive Council and the Assembly.
3. The members have the right to information and control systems established by the laws and Regulations.
Article 6 (Duties of Adherents)
1. The members, if it is committed to provide its activities for the purpose of the Committee shall do so in a personal, spontaneous and free, without any profit.
2. The behavior towards other members and outside the organization, is based on solidarity and is implemented with integrity, good faith and moral rigor.
Section 7 (Exclusion, Withdrawal, Revocation and Replacement)
1. The Contractor who contravenes duties established by statute, or it violates the rules or spirit, or physically or morally harm the Committee, or stir up trouble or disagreements between members can be excluded. The exclusion (which must be justified) is approved by the Board of Directors, after listening to explanations (written or oral) of the person excluded. The exclusion means automatic disqualification from office of the Committee.
2. Each member may, at any time and freely, with immediate effect at the time of delivery, withdraw from the Committee, by letter to be delivered to any member of the Executive Committee.
3. Automatically terminates the status of Member of the Parent that no longer has any child attending the School "R. Montecuccoli "Pavullo in Frignano. Can still remain a part of Parents Committee, which express a need by signing a special request to be renewed annually.
4. Participating members of the Board of Directors who, without justification, do not participate in three consecutive meetings, may be replaced on the board of directors by resolution of the Board.
5. The exclusion, withdrawal, revocation and replacement will also automatically forfeit the office of the Committee, both elected and of law.
Section 8 (bodies)
1. The bodies of Committee: the Assembly, the Executive Council.
2. All offices are free.
Section 9 (Assembly)
1. The Assembly is composed of all members. In the first meeting shall be valid when there is a majority of the members and shall be effective by a majority of those present. In the second call shall be valid whatever the number of participants and shall be effective by a majority of those present.
2. Each member and each member of the Board of Directors has right to attend and vote. Every person is entitled to one vote and no proxies are allowed. The vote is clear, unless otherwise requiring resolution of the poll secret, determine.
3. The resolutions relating to amendments to the Statute shall be taken by majority vote of members.
4. The meeting is chaired by the President or Vice-Chairman of the Board and the verbalization is a summary by the Secretary of the Board of Directors, unless otherwise decided by the Assembly.
5. The minutes of the meetings of the Assembly are held by the Secretary and each member has the right to examine it and draw a copy at your expense.
6. Assembly meetings are open to all parents of students attending the middle school R. Montecuccoli Pavullo Frignano in and to all those invited by the Board or by the president for special needs.
Section 10 (Notice of)
1. The Assembly shall meet whenever the Chairman deems appropriate, or when requested by the President at least a fifth of the members of the Board or at least a third of its members.
2. The President shall convene the Assembly by a notice posted on the bulletin boards of MS "R. Montecuccoli "Pavullo Frignano in (or written communications, telephone or computer) at least seven days before. If, for inaction or inability made no President, the call may be made by the Vice-President, or a fifth of the members of the Executive Council, or a third of its members.
3. The Assembly shall meet at least once a year, by November 15, to review the financial statements and for the renewal of elective office.
Article 11 (Board)
1. The Executive Council consists of:
- from elected members (President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer, elected by the Assembly, that the validity of the appointment and office must sign the Statute of the Committee;
- by members of right (class representatives) elected by the parents of each class of MS "R. Montecuccoli "Pavullo in Frignano, where they have signed the Statutes of the Committee;
- elected by Parents in the School Council, where they have signed the Statutes of the Committee;
- Parents from every part of the study group or commission (table , newsletter, solidarity, etc.).
2. The Executive Council shall be valid when there is a third of the members and shall be effective by a majority of those present. Every member has right to attend and vote. Every person is entitled to one vote and no proxies are allowed. The vote is clear, unless otherwise require approval by the Board of Directors that the secret ballot, determine.
3. The resolutions relating to amendments to the Regulations, or to exclude individuals from membership, or to replace a member of the Board, or of any appointment of the Auditor shall be taken by majority vote of the members.
4. The Board is chaired by the President or Vice-Chairman of the Board and the verbalization summary, if considered necessary, be performed by the Secretary, unless otherwise decided by the Board.
5. Any minutes of meetings of the Council are kept by the Secretary and each member has the right to examine it and draw a copy of its costs.
Article 12 (Convening of the Board)
1. The Executive Council shall meet whenever the Chairman deems appropriate, or when requested by at least three members.
2. The President shall convene the Executive Board with a notice posted on the bulletin boards of MS "R. Montecuccoli "Pavullo Frignano in (or written communications, telephone or computer) at least five days before. If, for inaction or inability made no President, the call may be made by the Vice-President, or by three members of the Board of Directors.
Article 13 (Functions of the Organs and duration)
1. The Assembly has jurisdiction on the following subjects:
- approval of statement of cash flows;
- appointment or dismissal of the President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer;
- determination of specific addresses or sent to other bodies of the Committee;
- approval or amendment of the Statute;
- dissolution of the Committee.
2. The Board has jurisdiction on the following subjects:
- the process of exclusion of members, or replacement of members of the Board;
- definition of programs and projects;
- overall coordination Committee;
- the establishment of study groups or work;
- definition of special mandates to the President;
- approval or amendment of any regulation;
- Any appointment or revocation, and determination of the duration in office, an auditor, if appointed will prepare a special report to the financial statements.
3. The President has powers for ordinary and extraordinary administration and the legal and judicial representation of the Committee, with power to delegate, if not possible, absence or incapacity of the President, the powers and representation shall be exercised by the Vice-President. President and Vice-President are part of the right of any group work or study.
4. The Secretary shall update and keep records of the Committee (list of members and offices, minutes of meetings, records and other documents) and the Protocol and ensure the functional links with other external bodies and is part of the right of each working group or study.
5. The Treasurer oversees the assets of the Committee, shall keep the accounts and formalizes the statement of cash flows with the support of the Executive Committee, expressing any views on, a part of the right of any group work or study.
7. The elected positions expire and must be renewed by the Assembly within November 15 of each year. Members may be reappointed to expire.
Article 14 (Workshops and / or studio)
1. The Committee may appoint from among its members one or more working groups and / or special studies that reinforce specific themes for further submitted proposals to the Committee for approval. Each Working Group will appoint an internal coordinator who promotes and coordinates the activities of the Group maintaining relationships and contacts with other parents.
Article 15 (Indication of resources)
1. Economic resources (or wealth) of the Committee shall consist of:
a) goods, buildings and furniture;
b) contributions, gifts, bequests, inheritances, legacies, donations and expenses;
c) any other type of entry consistent with the charitable purposes of the Committee and to the financing of the institutional activity of the same.
2. The Committee does not engage in any business or productive, if not absolutely marginal and strictly focus on satisfying the statutory purposes and never for profit.
Clause 16 (Use and allocation of resources)
1. The Committee may not distribute, even indirectly, profits and surpluses, as well as funds, reserves or capital during his life, except as provided by law. Those profits and surpluses, over the life of the Committee, will be fully used for the institutional activities and those closely connected.
2. In the event of dissolution or termination of the Committee, the remaining resources (completed liquidation procedures based on indications that the Assembly passed a resolution) will be distributed to other associations or public purposes, unless otherwise assigned by law.
Article 17 (Financial Statement)
1. The cash flow statement of the Committee on an annual basis (September 1 - August 31) and is broadly consistent with the year school just ended. It must be submitted for approval by November 15 of each year.
2. The Report is based on the conduct of an orderly and clear accounting. Has all income and expenses related to the reporting period, highlighting the availability of early and late checkout. In an annex forms an integral part of the statement should be given any credit and debt outstanding at the date of the statement itself, as well as an inventory of assets owned or held in any capacity by the Committee. It may be accompanied by relevant reports of the Treasurer, the President and the Board of Directors.
3. Where it has been appointed auditor, the statement of cash flows also will be accompanied by the report of its mission.
4. Once submitted to the Assembly, the cash flow statement is shown on the notice boards of MS "R. Montecuccoli "Pavullo Frignano in for at least fifteen days and is circulated to the Directorate. At least fifteen days prior to its approval, the statement is available to any Contractor who wants to examine it.
Article 18 (Insurance)
The Committee may make appropriate, or ensure the Participating operational responsibility for damages resulting from contractual and extra-contractual.
Article 19 (Final)
As is contemplated by the present Statute, reference is made to the laws and regulations and the principles of the legal system in relation to voluntary organizations, solidarity and social development.
President Rita
Thursday, December 10, 2009
If Annealing Temperature Is Too High
reading An Anthropologist on Mars
Info for purchase
Sacks's book confirms the richness and promise of an approach that would be simplistic to just put under the umbrella of clinical narrative. The success and style of Oliver Sacks would not be entirely understandable if it failed to consider the increasing interest in the "narrative of the disease", especially in Anglo-dominated anthropology or anthropological and medical literature of the last outright twenty years (we spoke about it to turn and literary fascination of the narrative). His detailed accounts yet of human syndromes and diseases, the analysis of their practical effects on people, are built through careful listening, recording interstices even to the most contradictory to the daily lives of his patients (which is put to the fore the illness, in other words, rather than the disease). This unique way of approaching the experience of suffering allows him to bring to light what otherwise would remain unexpressed, or, as often happens, the edge simply because they are considered "unnecessary" according to the hegemonic model of medical rationality. Young looked at these words, the power of contemporary biomedicine: that is, its ability to silence other names or delete other knowledge.
This perspective, moreover, the author can not be traced in full. Sacks is that is, a doctor, a neurologist highly educated and competent diagnosis, care, experience failures, tears and hopes and that records of his patients on pages where they run intermingled with the first words of that research and clinical practice that are not listed how can the foundations discussion (except to emphasize the schematic Cartesian or mistrust assumptions and approaches, such as those for the same Sacks, who ricalchino the course of "normal science"). In describing this, the "voice" to the contradictory feelings of a painter who loses his color vision after an accident, a patient with autism who tries to invent the machinery to embrace "a surgeon suffering from tics and other symptoms of Tourette's syndrome (on which Nathan has attracted attention in recent years), Sacks actively transforms the story of its customers 'unique' (and this is a problem that transcends the tradition of " clinical cases ", it has become the center of the debate over authorship and textuality). For him there are diseases, the same in every place and time, that only with time will be recognized as such by a proper science.
Info for purchase
Sacks's book confirms the richness and promise of an approach that would be simplistic to just put under the umbrella of clinical narrative. The success and style of Oliver Sacks would not be entirely understandable if it failed to consider the increasing interest in the "narrative of the disease", especially in Anglo-dominated anthropology or anthropological and medical literature of the last outright twenty years (we spoke about it to turn and literary fascination of the narrative). His detailed accounts yet of human syndromes and diseases, the analysis of their practical effects on people, are built through careful listening, recording interstices even to the most contradictory to the daily lives of his patients (which is put to the fore the illness, in other words, rather than the disease). This unique way of approaching the experience of suffering allows him to bring to light what otherwise would remain unexpressed, or, as often happens, the edge simply because they are considered "unnecessary" according to the hegemonic model of medical rationality. Young looked at these words, the power of contemporary biomedicine: that is, its ability to silence other names or delete other knowledge.
This perspective, moreover, the author can not be traced in full. Sacks is that is, a doctor, a neurologist highly educated and competent diagnosis, care, experience failures, tears and hopes and that records of his patients on pages where they run intermingled with the first words of that research and clinical practice that are not listed how can the foundations discussion (except to emphasize the schematic Cartesian or mistrust assumptions and approaches, such as those for the same Sacks, who ricalchino the course of "normal science"). In describing this, the "voice" to the contradictory feelings of a painter who loses his color vision after an accident, a patient with autism who tries to invent the machinery to embrace "a surgeon suffering from tics and other symptoms of Tourette's syndrome (on which Nathan has attracted attention in recent years), Sacks actively transforms the story of its customers 'unique' (and this is a problem that transcends the tradition of " clinical cases ", it has become the center of the debate over authorship and textuality). For him there are diseases, the same in every place and time, that only with time will be recognized as such by a proper science.
His eyes and his plays are so often caught in a bright phenomenology of the report, most adventurous, that squeeze those protagonists who are lonely doctor and patient, while are not captured as much attention to the institutional environment, the balance of power between different actors, the difficult access to health care for minorities and the poor in the United States, and so in general most would agree not forget when you explore the rugged territory health and disease. If this is a limitation in his work, remains the undisputed quality of writing that seems to have made a sort of wonder where it shows how the narrative approach to the disease represents a crucial resource in constructing a biography with meaning, but another miracle a compromise between different voices and languages \u200b\u200bis realized, with the naturalness of which the Anglo-Saxon writers always give lecture at another level: the mind-body problem, the dilemma between voluntary and involuntary activities, and other matters properly "epistemological" (in the sense that this term in American culture), peeking between discrete diagnostic questions and experiences of the disease. Within these seven stories, "paradoxical" but only if you are reading from the place of medical reason and his rhetorical device (where "health" and "disease" can be conceived only as a separate opposites), detach and dense metaphors irreducible, with a strange power, that patients have spent there when they speak of their experiences. In them, the author seems to say, hide the traces of follow in order to understand, perhaps better than through any other theory or diagnostic test, the other's demand and the complex situation of those who experience the break quell'involucro invisible is the health and normality. Is the use of these same metaphors that sometimes allows us to support the patient even if the only possible solution (which the medical science for the first finds it hard to admit) is to learn to live with the disease raises the limits, taking all As he unfolds and lives in spite of the disease.
A very interesting discussion on Charles Bonnet syndrome and the strange phenomenon of visual hallucinations
If Annealing Temperature Is Too High
reading An Anthropologist on Mars
Info for purchase
Sacks's book confirms the richness and promise of an approach that would be simplistic to just put under the umbrella of clinical narrative. The success and style of Oliver Sacks would not be entirely understandable if it failed to consider the increasing interest in the "narrative of the disease", especially in Anglo-dominated anthropology or anthropological and medical literature of the last outright twenty years (we spoke about it to turn and literary fascination of the narrative). His detailed accounts yet of human syndromes and diseases, the analysis of their practical effects on people, are built through careful listening, recording interstices even to the most contradictory to the daily lives of his patients (which is put to the fore the illness, in other words, rather than the disease). This unique way of approaching the experience of suffering allows him to bring to light what otherwise would remain unexpressed, or, as often happens, the edge simply because they are considered "unnecessary" according to the hegemonic model of medical rationality. Young looked at these words, the power of contemporary biomedicine: that is, its ability to silence other names or delete other knowledge.
This perspective, moreover, the author can not be traced in full. Sacks is that is, a doctor, a neurologist highly educated and competent diagnosis, care, experience failures, tears and hopes and that records of his patients on pages where they run intermingled with the first words of that research and clinical practice that are not listed how can the foundations discussion (except to emphasize the schematic Cartesian or mistrust assumptions and approaches, such as those for the same Sacks, who ricalchino the course of "normal science"). In describing this, the "voice" to the contradictory feelings of a painter who loses his color vision after an accident, a patient with autism who tries to invent the machinery to embrace "a surgeon suffering from tics and other symptoms of Tourette's syndrome (on which Nathan has attracted attention in recent years), Sacks actively transforms the story of its customers 'unique' (and this is a problem that transcends the tradition of " clinical cases ", it has become the center of the debate over authorship and textuality). For him there are diseases, the same in every place and time, that only with time will be recognized as such by a proper science.
Info for purchase
Sacks's book confirms the richness and promise of an approach that would be simplistic to just put under the umbrella of clinical narrative. The success and style of Oliver Sacks would not be entirely understandable if it failed to consider the increasing interest in the "narrative of the disease", especially in Anglo-dominated anthropology or anthropological and medical literature of the last outright twenty years (we spoke about it to turn and literary fascination of the narrative). His detailed accounts yet of human syndromes and diseases, the analysis of their practical effects on people, are built through careful listening, recording interstices even to the most contradictory to the daily lives of his patients (which is put to the fore the illness, in other words, rather than the disease). This unique way of approaching the experience of suffering allows him to bring to light what otherwise would remain unexpressed, or, as often happens, the edge simply because they are considered "unnecessary" according to the hegemonic model of medical rationality. Young looked at these words, the power of contemporary biomedicine: that is, its ability to silence other names or delete other knowledge.
This perspective, moreover, the author can not be traced in full. Sacks is that is, a doctor, a neurologist highly educated and competent diagnosis, care, experience failures, tears and hopes and that records of his patients on pages where they run intermingled with the first words of that research and clinical practice that are not listed how can the foundations discussion (except to emphasize the schematic Cartesian or mistrust assumptions and approaches, such as those for the same Sacks, who ricalchino the course of "normal science"). In describing this, the "voice" to the contradictory feelings of a painter who loses his color vision after an accident, a patient with autism who tries to invent the machinery to embrace "a surgeon suffering from tics and other symptoms of Tourette's syndrome (on which Nathan has attracted attention in recent years), Sacks actively transforms the story of its customers 'unique' (and this is a problem that transcends the tradition of " clinical cases ", it has become the center of the debate over authorship and textuality). For him there are diseases, the same in every place and time, that only with time will be recognized as such by a proper science.
His eyes and his plays are so often caught in a bright phenomenology of the report, most adventurous, that squeeze those protagonists who are lonely doctor and patient, while are not captured as much attention to the institutional environment, the balance of power between different actors, the difficult access to health care for minorities and the poor in the United States, and so in general most would agree not forget when you explore the rugged territory health and disease. If this is a limitation in his work, remains the undisputed quality of writing that seems to have made a sort of wonder where it shows how the narrative approach to the disease represents a crucial resource in constructing a biography with meaning, but another miracle a compromise between different voices and languages \u200b\u200bis realized, with the naturalness of which the Anglo-Saxon writers always give lecture at another level: the mind-body problem, the dilemma between voluntary and involuntary activities, and other matters properly "epistemological" (in the sense that this term in American culture), peeking between discrete diagnostic questions and experiences of the disease. Within these seven stories, "paradoxical" but only if you are reading from the place of medical reason and his rhetorical device (where "health" and "disease" can be conceived only as a separate opposites), detach and dense metaphors irreducible, with a strange power, that patients have spent there when they speak of their experiences. In them, the author seems to say, hide the traces of follow in order to understand, perhaps better than through any other theory or diagnostic test, the other's demand and the complex situation of those who experience the break quell'involucro invisible is the health and normality. Is the use of these same metaphors that sometimes allows us to support the patient even if the only possible solution (which the medical science for the first finds it hard to admit) is to learn to live with the disease raises the limits, taking all As he unfolds and lives in spite of the disease.
A very interesting discussion on Charles Bonnet syndrome and the strange phenomenon of visual hallucinations
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
Hp 1500l Driver For Windows 7
Stem cells - one of the most controversial issues of contemporary biology-cells are able to replicate indefinitely and change appearance depending on the context and the activity at any given time: the characteristics that make them very versatile, but also, in some way , invisible to the eye of the researcher. This book recounts the trials that led to the presence of the stem where it was long considered impossible: in the brain, the more static and complex element of the whole organism. The story unfolds like a real police investigation by the hour sci-fi atmosphere, now almost noir: an investigation takes place in those laboratories where researchers over the past decade, including the skepticism of the scientific community, have demonstrated the genesis of new brain cells during adult life of the individual neurons in the universe and placed it in growing stem cells, opening new perspectives in neuroscience. A book that, while it gives the flavor research and the enthusiasm of the person who carries out, on the other chooses to stick to the facts and results, without shouting match with the shades of that distribution, which ensures a quick miracle cures: the therapeutic use of cells invisible is a popular than ever promising, but the author warns, will require a long trip and still littered with uncertainties.

Hp 1500l Driver For Windows 7
Stem cells - one of the most controversial issues of contemporary biology-cells are able to replicate indefinitely and change appearance depending on the context and the activity at any given time: the characteristics that make them very versatile, but also, in some way , invisible to the eye of the researcher. This book recounts the trials that led to the presence of the stem where it was long considered impossible: in the brain, the more static and complex element of the whole organism. The story unfolds like a real police investigation by the hour sci-fi atmosphere, now almost noir: an investigation takes place in those laboratories where researchers over the past decade, including the skepticism of the scientific community, have demonstrated the genesis of new brain cells during adult life of the individual neurons in the universe and placed it in growing stem cells, opening new perspectives in neuroscience. A book that, while it gives the flavor research and the enthusiasm of the person who carries out, on the other chooses to stick to the facts and results, without shouting match with the shades of that distribution, which ensures a quick miracle cures: the therapeutic use of cells invisible is a popular than ever promising, but the author warns, will require a long trip and still littered with uncertainties.

Saturday, December 5, 2009
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
How Long To Bake Bauer Vapor Ice Skates
"Mirror neurons are to psychology what DNA was for biology"
(Vilayanur S. Ramachandran)
Info for purchase
How we can immediately grasp the meaning of the actions of others? As we understand intentions and emotions? For centuries, philosophers and physicians of the soul looking for the answer. But in the last decade is the neurophysiology to offer the most promising way. They have identified neurons (mirror neurons) with a surprising prprietà : activate both when we perform a given action is when we see others do. This extraordinary discovery, the theoretical and experimental investigations that have made it possible for the first time are covered in this book. It is not only original exploration of the neural mechanisms that underlie many of our individual and social behavior, but an innovative indagnie evolution of intelligence and emotion, thought and language. An inquiry set to transform the way we understand the functions of the mind and to influence psychology, anthropology, ethics and aesthetics.
This of neuroscientist Giacomo Rizzolatti and Corrado Sinigaglia philosopher was certainly a book to do. The book contains the essay form of literature that has marked out along the search path around the discovery and interpretation of canonical neurons and mirror neurons. Has it all in these pages: the legions of fans (not just neuroscience field but often philosophical or psychological linguistic anthropology) will find here all the experiments and related theoretical results and interpretations which have enthusiastically followed the development in these years, attracted many curious "empathy neurons" they read in the newspapers or heard during meetings or presentations will provide a tool comprehensive and clear to take stock of the state of the art of this research have revolutionized our understanding of the architecture and functioning of the brain.
The central argument around which articulated the seven chapters of the book is that "the brain works is also and above all a brain that includes". The meaning and scope of this thesis lie in the heart of the neural mechanism identified by neurophysiologists at the University of Parma coordinated by Giacomo Rizzolatti. In a series of studies conducted over the past two decades, researchers have discovered in the premotor cortex of the monkey and then also the existence of the human two groups of neurons are both active during the execution of actions related to objects: they are simple and familiar gestures such as grabbing something with your hand or bringing food to the mouth. The surprising thing is that these two groups of premotor neurons are activated in the absence of any explicit enforcement action in purely observational tasks: the first group of neurons respond to the vision of the object where the action could be given to those in the second 'observation of another individual who performs the same action.
Following the authors we take the example of coffee cup: the premotor neurons are activated while you grasp the handle, but for some of their activation is triggered even by simple observation of the cup resting on the table for others, the observation of our neighbor who grabs her to drink his coffee. It is therefore in both cases of bimodal neurons in motor and perceptual set whose activity can be described by the same mechanism simulation: during the observation of an object activates a motor pattern appropriate to its characteristics (such as size and orientation in space) "as if the viewer enters into interaction with it, and likewise during the observation of an action performed by another individual, the neural system activates the observer" as if " was himself to take the same action it observes. The neurons of the first group were called "canonical neurons" because from the thirties had suggested the involvement of the premotor areas in the processing of visual information about an object in the motor actions necessary to interact with it, the second group were called "mirror neurons" because they cause a reaction mirrored in the observer's neural system in which a simulation of the observed implied.
In light of this mechanism for neural simulation can be reinterpreted the role of the entire cognitive system within the motor system usually associated only with the planning and execution of actions: the bimodal neurons found in the premotor cortex are strongly implicated in cognitive processes, particularly in high-level perceptual recognition of objects and actions and understanding of their meaning. It is therefore less rigid border between the cognitive processes of perception and motor for years has characterized the interpretation of brain architecture: understanding perception and action are grouped together into a unified mechanism which is precisely "the brain is also and above all acting which includes a brain. " Understanding with regard to items related to their functional significance or affordance; canonical neurons allow an immediate understanding of the opportunities for interaction that objects offer a perceiving subject (in the case of the handle of the coffee cup can be grasped). As regards the shares understanding about the purpose that underlies them: mirror neurons allow an immediate understanding of the intentions of individuals (eg the intention to bring the cup to his mouth to drink the coffee) making possible a forecast of their future behavior.
The book faithfully reflects the key experiments on monkeys and on human beings. Obviously the techniques used are very different: while in monkeys it is possible to make a record of single neuron by insertion of intracortical electrodes in human subjects using only non-invasive methods of brain imaging such as positron emission tomography (PET) or functional magnetic resonance imaging ( fMRI) that allow you to view the activity of whole brain areas but not to individual nerve cells. In the fourth chapter
Act describes two experiments and understanding central to defining the role of mirror neurons in the understanding of the purpose underlying the actions. The first revealed the existence of a mirror mechanism not only mode but also auditory and visual motor when the monkey is in darkness and listen to the noise produced by an action: the same neuron "low" when the animal breaks when she sees someone break a peanut and when he hears the sound of someone who breaks. Regardless of how the neuron is activated to encode the abstract concept to "break" that matches the goal with the intention of the action. The second experiment has instead allowed to discriminate between a grasping gesture intended to bring food to your mouth or put it in a container during execution of that action (grasp) mirror neurons are activated in different ways depending on the ultimate goal of the action including his intention to bring food to the mouth or move it to the container. In the same direction seem to get some results with humans from an experiment with fMRI: was noted in the experimental subjects particularly significant activation of the mirror neuron system during observation of actions is not "pure" but placed in the context of actions by which one could infer clearly the intention that there was implied. All of these experiments to indicate that the "mirror neuron system is able to encode not only the act but also noted the intention with which it is finished." In agreement with the paradigm of 'embodied cognition the intentions of others can be included without any conceptual or linguistic reflective mediation: it is a pragmatic understanding "based solely on the motor knowledge on which depends our own capacity to act." In the sixth chapter
Imitation and language are described in two other important functions attributed to the mirror neuron system: an imitative function is understood as the ability to replicate gestures already members of our own motor repertoire is the ability to learn new motor patterns by imitation ; a communicative function that should allow for a possible scenario on the origin of human language related to the evolution of the mirror system.
the theme of sharing emotions is devoted the last chapter of the book: "The recognition of the emotions of others is based on a set of neural circuits that share the property as different mirror already seen in the case of action understanding." was possible to study experimentally some primary emotions: The results clearly show that observed in the other an expression of pain or disgust activates the same neural substrate underlying the perception in the first person of the same type of emotion. Further confirmation comes from clinical trials patients with neurological diseases: a time lost the ability to feel and express a given emotion becomes impossible to recognize even when expressed by others. As in the case of actions for the emotions one can speak of an immediate understanding that does not require cognitive processes of inferential or associative: "The immediate understanding of the emotions of others is the necessary prerequisite for that empathic behavior that underlies a large part of our relations interindividual.
Far from being confined to the functioning of certain nerve cells mirror the properties and then pervade the entire brain system: the same logic that allows coupled execution and action understanding in a single neural mechanism for describing the condivisine emotional and perhaps even the phenomenon of consciousness. In a recent paper published in "Science" Anna Berti neuropsychology has identified a similar mechanism of neural coupling for the execution of actions and awareness of them (or not having) done: the awareness that mobility allows us to be aware of our actions share the same neural substrate underlying the motor control of the shares in question. This happy
publishing operation in which the neuroscientist father of mirror neurons was accompanied by a philosopher is proposed from Cambridge University in the series "Science and Ideas in the theme of interdisciplinarity that is his strong point. However, in this case it is worth reflecting on just how Rizzolatti and Sinigaglia understood the relationship between science and philosophy. At the philosophical method has been given the task almost "editorial" to make clear in the exposition and to ensure appropriate use of terms such as "intend", "pragmatic understanding" or "empathy" which certainly belong to the vocabulary of the philosopher who most of the scientist. About the content no further reference to philosophy (apart from some park reference to the phenomenology of Merleau-Ponty) is superimposed on the intrinsic philosophical framework that emerges spontaneously from the exposure of scientific experiments: the proposal of the two authors involves the creation of an interdisciplinary dialogue between philosophy and neuroscience, but decided the claim that science is itself philosophy. (Francesca Garbarini, Index)
The central argument around which articulated the seven chapters of the book is that "the brain works is also and above all a brain that includes". The meaning and scope of this thesis lie in the heart of the neural mechanism identified by neurophysiologists at the University of Parma coordinated by Giacomo Rizzolatti. In a series of studies conducted over the past two decades, researchers have discovered in the premotor cortex of the monkey and then also the existence of the human two groups of neurons are both active during the execution of actions related to objects: they are simple and familiar gestures such as grabbing something with your hand or bringing food to the mouth. The surprising thing is that these two groups of premotor neurons are activated in the absence of any explicit enforcement action in purely observational tasks: the first group of neurons respond to the vision of the object where the action could be given to those in the second 'observation of another individual who performs the same action.
Following the authors we take the example of coffee cup: the premotor neurons are activated while you grasp the handle, but for some of their activation is triggered even by simple observation of the cup resting on the table for others, the observation of our neighbor who grabs her to drink his coffee. It is therefore in both cases of bimodal neurons in motor and perceptual set whose activity can be described by the same mechanism simulation: during the observation of an object activates a motor pattern appropriate to its characteristics (such as size and orientation in space) "as if the viewer enters into interaction with it, and likewise during the observation of an action performed by another individual, the neural system activates the observer" as if " was himself to take the same action it observes. The neurons of the first group were called "canonical neurons" because from the thirties had suggested the involvement of the premotor areas in the processing of visual information about an object in the motor actions necessary to interact with it, the second group were called "mirror neurons" because they cause a reaction mirrored in the observer's neural system in which a simulation of the observed implied.
In light of this mechanism for neural simulation can be reinterpreted the role of the entire cognitive system within the motor system usually associated only with the planning and execution of actions: the bimodal neurons found in the premotor cortex are strongly implicated in cognitive processes, particularly in high-level perceptual recognition of objects and actions and understanding of their meaning. It is therefore less rigid border between the cognitive processes of perception and motor for years has characterized the interpretation of brain architecture: understanding perception and action are grouped together into a unified mechanism which is precisely "the brain is also and above all acting which includes a brain. " Understanding with regard to items related to their functional significance or affordance; canonical neurons allow an immediate understanding of the opportunities for interaction that objects offer a perceiving subject (in the case of the handle of the coffee cup can be grasped). As regards the shares understanding about the purpose that underlies them: mirror neurons allow an immediate understanding of the intentions of individuals (eg the intention to bring the cup to his mouth to drink the coffee) making possible a forecast of their future behavior.
The book faithfully reflects the key experiments on monkeys and on human beings. Obviously the techniques used are very different: while in monkeys it is possible to make a record of single neuron by insertion of intracortical electrodes in human subjects using only non-invasive methods of brain imaging such as positron emission tomography (PET) or functional magnetic resonance imaging ( fMRI) that allow you to view the activity of whole brain areas but not to individual nerve cells. In the fourth chapter
Act describes two experiments and understanding central to defining the role of mirror neurons in the understanding of the purpose underlying the actions. The first revealed the existence of a mirror mechanism not only mode but also auditory and visual motor when the monkey is in darkness and listen to the noise produced by an action: the same neuron "low" when the animal breaks when she sees someone break a peanut and when he hears the sound of someone who breaks. Regardless of how the neuron is activated to encode the abstract concept to "break" that matches the goal with the intention of the action. The second experiment has instead allowed to discriminate between a grasping gesture intended to bring food to your mouth or put it in a container during execution of that action (grasp) mirror neurons are activated in different ways depending on the ultimate goal of the action including his intention to bring food to the mouth or move it to the container. In the same direction seem to get some results with humans from an experiment with fMRI: was noted in the experimental subjects particularly significant activation of the mirror neuron system during observation of actions is not "pure" but placed in the context of actions by which one could infer clearly the intention that there was implied. All of these experiments to indicate that the "mirror neuron system is able to encode not only the act but also noted the intention with which it is finished." In agreement with the paradigm of 'embodied cognition the intentions of others can be included without any conceptual or linguistic reflective mediation: it is a pragmatic understanding "based solely on the motor knowledge on which depends our own capacity to act." In the sixth chapter
Imitation and language are described in two other important functions attributed to the mirror neuron system: an imitative function is understood as the ability to replicate gestures already members of our own motor repertoire is the ability to learn new motor patterns by imitation ; a communicative function that should allow for a possible scenario on the origin of human language related to the evolution of the mirror system.
the theme of sharing emotions is devoted the last chapter of the book: "The recognition of the emotions of others is based on a set of neural circuits that share the property as different mirror already seen in the case of action understanding." was possible to study experimentally some primary emotions: The results clearly show that observed in the other an expression of pain or disgust activates the same neural substrate underlying the perception in the first person of the same type of emotion. Further confirmation comes from clinical trials patients with neurological diseases: a time lost the ability to feel and express a given emotion becomes impossible to recognize even when expressed by others. As in the case of actions for the emotions one can speak of an immediate understanding that does not require cognitive processes of inferential or associative: "The immediate understanding of the emotions of others is the necessary prerequisite for that empathic behavior that underlies a large part of our relations interindividual.
Far from being confined to the functioning of certain nerve cells mirror the properties and then pervade the entire brain system: the same logic that allows coupled execution and action understanding in a single neural mechanism for describing the condivisine emotional and perhaps even the phenomenon of consciousness. In a recent paper published in "Science" Anna Berti neuropsychology has identified a similar mechanism of neural coupling for the execution of actions and awareness of them (or not having) done: the awareness that mobility allows us to be aware of our actions share the same neural substrate underlying the motor control of the shares in question. This happy
publishing operation in which the neuroscientist father of mirror neurons was accompanied by a philosopher is proposed from Cambridge University in the series "Science and Ideas in the theme of interdisciplinarity that is his strong point. However, in this case it is worth reflecting on just how Rizzolatti and Sinigaglia understood the relationship between science and philosophy. At the philosophical method has been given the task almost "editorial" to make clear in the exposition and to ensure appropriate use of terms such as "intend", "pragmatic understanding" or "empathy" which certainly belong to the vocabulary of the philosopher who most of the scientist. About the content no further reference to philosophy (apart from some park reference to the phenomenology of Merleau-Ponty) is superimposed on the intrinsic philosophical framework that emerges spontaneously from the exposure of scientific experiments: the proposal of the two authors involves the creation of an interdisciplinary dialogue between philosophy and neuroscience, but decided the claim that science is itself philosophy. (Francesca Garbarini, Index)
How Long To Bake Bauer Vapor Ice Skates
"Mirror neurons are to psychology what DNA was for biology"
(Vilayanur S. Ramachandran)
Info for purchase
How we can immediately grasp the meaning of the actions of others? As we understand intentions and emotions? For centuries, philosophers and physicians of the soul looking for the answer. But in the last decade is the neurophysiology to offer the most promising way. They have identified neurons (mirror neurons) with a surprising prprietà : activate both when we perform a given action is when we see others do. This extraordinary discovery, the theoretical and experimental investigations that have made it possible for the first time are covered in this book. It is not only original exploration of the neural mechanisms that underlie many of our individual and social behavior, but an innovative indagnie evolution of intelligence and emotion, thought and language. An inquiry set to transform the way we understand the functions of the mind and to influence psychology, anthropology, ethics and aesthetics.
This of neuroscientist Giacomo Rizzolatti and Corrado Sinigaglia philosopher was certainly a book to do. The book contains the essay form of literature that has marked out along the search path around the discovery and interpretation of canonical neurons and mirror neurons. Has it all in these pages: the legions of fans (not just neuroscience field but often philosophical or psychological linguistic anthropology) will find here all the experiments and related theoretical results and interpretations which have enthusiastically followed the development in these years, attracted many curious "empathy neurons" they read in the newspapers or heard during meetings or presentations will provide a tool comprehensive and clear to take stock of the state of the art of this research have revolutionized our understanding of the architecture and functioning of the brain.
The central argument around which articulated the seven chapters of the book is that "the brain works is also and above all a brain that includes". The meaning and scope of this thesis lie in the heart of the neural mechanism identified by neurophysiologists at the University of Parma coordinated by Giacomo Rizzolatti. In a series of studies conducted over the past two decades, researchers have discovered in the premotor cortex of the monkey and then also the existence of the human two groups of neurons are both active during the execution of actions related to objects: they are simple and familiar gestures such as grabbing something with your hand or bringing food to the mouth. The surprising thing is that these two groups of premotor neurons are activated in the absence of any explicit enforcement action in purely observational tasks: the first group of neurons respond to the vision of the object where the action could be given to those in the second 'observation of another individual who performs the same action.
Following the authors we take the example of coffee cup: the premotor neurons are activated while you grasp the handle, but for some of their activation is triggered even by simple observation of the cup resting on the table for others, the observation of our neighbor who grabs her to drink his coffee. It is therefore in both cases of bimodal neurons in motor and perceptual set whose activity can be described by the same mechanism simulation: during the observation of an object activates a motor pattern appropriate to its characteristics (such as size and orientation in space) "as if the viewer enters into interaction with it, and likewise during the observation of an action performed by another individual, the neural system activates the observer" as if " was himself to take the same action it observes. The neurons of the first group were called "canonical neurons" because from the thirties had suggested the involvement of the premotor areas in the processing of visual information about an object in the motor actions necessary to interact with it, the second group were called "mirror neurons" because they cause a reaction mirrored in the observer's neural system in which a simulation of the observed implied.
In light of this mechanism for neural simulation can be reinterpreted the role of the entire cognitive system within the motor system usually associated only with the planning and execution of actions: the bimodal neurons found in the premotor cortex are strongly implicated in cognitive processes, particularly in high-level perceptual recognition of objects and actions and understanding of their meaning. It is therefore less rigid border between the cognitive processes of perception and motor for years has characterized the interpretation of brain architecture: understanding perception and action are grouped together into a unified mechanism which is precisely "the brain is also and above all acting which includes a brain. " Understanding with regard to items related to their functional significance or affordance; canonical neurons allow an immediate understanding of the opportunities for interaction that objects offer a perceiving subject (in the case of the handle of the coffee cup can be grasped). As regards the shares understanding about the purpose that underlies them: mirror neurons allow an immediate understanding of the intentions of individuals (eg the intention to bring the cup to his mouth to drink the coffee) making possible a forecast of their future behavior.
The book faithfully reflects the key experiments on monkeys and on human beings. Obviously the techniques used are very different: while in monkeys it is possible to make a record of single neuron by insertion of intracortical electrodes in human subjects using only non-invasive methods of brain imaging such as positron emission tomography (PET) or functional magnetic resonance imaging ( fMRI) that allow you to view the activity of whole brain areas but not to individual nerve cells. In the fourth chapter
Act describes two experiments and understanding central to defining the role of mirror neurons in the understanding of the purpose underlying the actions. The first revealed the existence of a mirror mechanism not only mode but also auditory and visual motor when the monkey is in darkness and listen to the noise produced by an action: the same neuron "low" when the animal breaks when she sees someone break a peanut and when he hears the sound of someone who breaks. Regardless of how the neuron is activated to encode the abstract concept to "break" that matches the goal with the intention of the action. The second experiment has instead allowed to discriminate between a grasping gesture intended to bring food to your mouth or put it in a container during execution of that action (grasp) mirror neurons are activated in different ways depending on the ultimate goal of the action including his intention to bring food to the mouth or move it to the container. In the same direction seem to get some results with humans from an experiment with fMRI: was noted in the experimental subjects particularly significant activation of the mirror neuron system during observation of actions is not "pure" but placed in the context of actions by which one could infer clearly the intention that there was implied. All of these experiments to indicate that the "mirror neuron system is able to encode not only the act but also noted the intention with which it is finished." In agreement with the paradigm of 'embodied cognition the intentions of others can be included without any conceptual or linguistic reflective mediation: it is a pragmatic understanding "based solely on the motor knowledge on which depends our own capacity to act." In the sixth chapter
Imitation and language are described in two other important functions attributed to the mirror neuron system: an imitative function is understood as the ability to replicate gestures already members of our own motor repertoire is the ability to learn new motor patterns by imitation ; a communicative function that should allow for a possible scenario on the origin of human language related to the evolution of the mirror system.
the theme of sharing emotions is devoted the last chapter of the book: "The recognition of the emotions of others is based on a set of neural circuits that share the property as different mirror already seen in the case of action understanding." was possible to study experimentally some primary emotions: The results clearly show that observed in the other an expression of pain or disgust activates the same neural substrate underlying the perception in the first person of the same type of emotion. Further confirmation comes from clinical trials patients with neurological diseases: a time lost the ability to feel and express a given emotion becomes impossible to recognize even when expressed by others. As in the case of actions for the emotions one can speak of an immediate understanding that does not require cognitive processes of inferential or associative: "The immediate understanding of the emotions of others is the necessary prerequisite for that empathic behavior that underlies a large part of our relations interindividual.
Far from being confined to the functioning of certain nerve cells mirror the properties and then pervade the entire brain system: the same logic that allows coupled execution and action understanding in a single neural mechanism for describing the condivisine emotional and perhaps even the phenomenon of consciousness. In a recent paper published in "Science" Anna Berti neuropsychology has identified a similar mechanism of neural coupling for the execution of actions and awareness of them (or not having) done: the awareness that mobility allows us to be aware of our actions share the same neural substrate underlying the motor control of the shares in question. This happy
publishing operation in which the neuroscientist father of mirror neurons was accompanied by a philosopher is proposed from Cambridge University in the series "Science and Ideas in the theme of interdisciplinarity that is his strong point. However, in this case it is worth reflecting on just how Rizzolatti and Sinigaglia understood the relationship between science and philosophy. At the philosophical method has been given the task almost "editorial" to make clear in the exposition and to ensure appropriate use of terms such as "intend", "pragmatic understanding" or "empathy" which certainly belong to the vocabulary of the philosopher who most of the scientist. About the content no further reference to philosophy (apart from some park reference to the phenomenology of Merleau-Ponty) is superimposed on the intrinsic philosophical framework that emerges spontaneously from the exposure of scientific experiments: the proposal of the two authors involves the creation of an interdisciplinary dialogue between philosophy and neuroscience, but decided the claim that science is itself philosophy. (Francesca Garbarini, Index)
The central argument around which articulated the seven chapters of the book is that "the brain works is also and above all a brain that includes". The meaning and scope of this thesis lie in the heart of the neural mechanism identified by neurophysiologists at the University of Parma coordinated by Giacomo Rizzolatti. In a series of studies conducted over the past two decades, researchers have discovered in the premotor cortex of the monkey and then also the existence of the human two groups of neurons are both active during the execution of actions related to objects: they are simple and familiar gestures such as grabbing something with your hand or bringing food to the mouth. The surprising thing is that these two groups of premotor neurons are activated in the absence of any explicit enforcement action in purely observational tasks: the first group of neurons respond to the vision of the object where the action could be given to those in the second 'observation of another individual who performs the same action.
Following the authors we take the example of coffee cup: the premotor neurons are activated while you grasp the handle, but for some of their activation is triggered even by simple observation of the cup resting on the table for others, the observation of our neighbor who grabs her to drink his coffee. It is therefore in both cases of bimodal neurons in motor and perceptual set whose activity can be described by the same mechanism simulation: during the observation of an object activates a motor pattern appropriate to its characteristics (such as size and orientation in space) "as if the viewer enters into interaction with it, and likewise during the observation of an action performed by another individual, the neural system activates the observer" as if " was himself to take the same action it observes. The neurons of the first group were called "canonical neurons" because from the thirties had suggested the involvement of the premotor areas in the processing of visual information about an object in the motor actions necessary to interact with it, the second group were called "mirror neurons" because they cause a reaction mirrored in the observer's neural system in which a simulation of the observed implied.
In light of this mechanism for neural simulation can be reinterpreted the role of the entire cognitive system within the motor system usually associated only with the planning and execution of actions: the bimodal neurons found in the premotor cortex are strongly implicated in cognitive processes, particularly in high-level perceptual recognition of objects and actions and understanding of their meaning. It is therefore less rigid border between the cognitive processes of perception and motor for years has characterized the interpretation of brain architecture: understanding perception and action are grouped together into a unified mechanism which is precisely "the brain is also and above all acting which includes a brain. " Understanding with regard to items related to their functional significance or affordance; canonical neurons allow an immediate understanding of the opportunities for interaction that objects offer a perceiving subject (in the case of the handle of the coffee cup can be grasped). As regards the shares understanding about the purpose that underlies them: mirror neurons allow an immediate understanding of the intentions of individuals (eg the intention to bring the cup to his mouth to drink the coffee) making possible a forecast of their future behavior.
The book faithfully reflects the key experiments on monkeys and on human beings. Obviously the techniques used are very different: while in monkeys it is possible to make a record of single neuron by insertion of intracortical electrodes in human subjects using only non-invasive methods of brain imaging such as positron emission tomography (PET) or functional magnetic resonance imaging ( fMRI) that allow you to view the activity of whole brain areas but not to individual nerve cells. In the fourth chapter
Act describes two experiments and understanding central to defining the role of mirror neurons in the understanding of the purpose underlying the actions. The first revealed the existence of a mirror mechanism not only mode but also auditory and visual motor when the monkey is in darkness and listen to the noise produced by an action: the same neuron "low" when the animal breaks when she sees someone break a peanut and when he hears the sound of someone who breaks. Regardless of how the neuron is activated to encode the abstract concept to "break" that matches the goal with the intention of the action. The second experiment has instead allowed to discriminate between a grasping gesture intended to bring food to your mouth or put it in a container during execution of that action (grasp) mirror neurons are activated in different ways depending on the ultimate goal of the action including his intention to bring food to the mouth or move it to the container. In the same direction seem to get some results with humans from an experiment with fMRI: was noted in the experimental subjects particularly significant activation of the mirror neuron system during observation of actions is not "pure" but placed in the context of actions by which one could infer clearly the intention that there was implied. All of these experiments to indicate that the "mirror neuron system is able to encode not only the act but also noted the intention with which it is finished." In agreement with the paradigm of 'embodied cognition the intentions of others can be included without any conceptual or linguistic reflective mediation: it is a pragmatic understanding "based solely on the motor knowledge on which depends our own capacity to act." In the sixth chapter
Imitation and language are described in two other important functions attributed to the mirror neuron system: an imitative function is understood as the ability to replicate gestures already members of our own motor repertoire is the ability to learn new motor patterns by imitation ; a communicative function that should allow for a possible scenario on the origin of human language related to the evolution of the mirror system.
the theme of sharing emotions is devoted the last chapter of the book: "The recognition of the emotions of others is based on a set of neural circuits that share the property as different mirror already seen in the case of action understanding." was possible to study experimentally some primary emotions: The results clearly show that observed in the other an expression of pain or disgust activates the same neural substrate underlying the perception in the first person of the same type of emotion. Further confirmation comes from clinical trials patients with neurological diseases: a time lost the ability to feel and express a given emotion becomes impossible to recognize even when expressed by others. As in the case of actions for the emotions one can speak of an immediate understanding that does not require cognitive processes of inferential or associative: "The immediate understanding of the emotions of others is the necessary prerequisite for that empathic behavior that underlies a large part of our relations interindividual.
Far from being confined to the functioning of certain nerve cells mirror the properties and then pervade the entire brain system: the same logic that allows coupled execution and action understanding in a single neural mechanism for describing the condivisine emotional and perhaps even the phenomenon of consciousness. In a recent paper published in "Science" Anna Berti neuropsychology has identified a similar mechanism of neural coupling for the execution of actions and awareness of them (or not having) done: the awareness that mobility allows us to be aware of our actions share the same neural substrate underlying the motor control of the shares in question. This happy
publishing operation in which the neuroscientist father of mirror neurons was accompanied by a philosopher is proposed from Cambridge University in the series "Science and Ideas in the theme of interdisciplinarity that is his strong point. However, in this case it is worth reflecting on just how Rizzolatti and Sinigaglia understood the relationship between science and philosophy. At the philosophical method has been given the task almost "editorial" to make clear in the exposition and to ensure appropriate use of terms such as "intend", "pragmatic understanding" or "empathy" which certainly belong to the vocabulary of the philosopher who most of the scientist. About the content no further reference to philosophy (apart from some park reference to the phenomenology of Merleau-Ponty) is superimposed on the intrinsic philosophical framework that emerges spontaneously from the exposure of scientific experiments: the proposal of the two authors involves the creation of an interdisciplinary dialogue between philosophy and neuroscience, but decided the claim that science is itself philosophy. (Francesca Garbarini, Index)
Saturday, November 28, 2009
Platypus Flosser Canada
GENOME (Matt Ridley)
The mapping of the genome has been one of the most ambitious adventures undertaken by 'modern man. The goal was so impressive as to leave baffled: thousands of genes to be deciphered and millions of chemical bases to rebuild. But little by little around the project has grown a voltage similar to that which accompanies major events. Today, after a public entity, a corporation headed by a former surfer were challenged with no holds barred to unravel the secrets and the elusive beauty, the genome has become a celebrity. He is dedicated magazines and websites as a movie star. Knowing our genetic code has put us in front of a new way of doing science, to tackle the disease, to understand the organizations and to rethink our origins.
untangling between past and future, history and prospects, Matt Ridley takes us by the hand through the maze of complex biological systems, concern from the beginning to eliminate a common misconception: "genes do not exist to cause disease." The knowledge of the "kit" that we inherit from our ancestors is not a condemnation, but always a possibility. Twenty-two chapters one to tell the autobiography of a species, ours, Chromosomal jumping from one to another. A lucid guide to overcome the misunderstandings that surround sounds and one of the most compelling issues of contemporary scientific view, and understand, finally, because we are free and as determined by DNA
Platypus Flosser Canada
GENOME (Matt Ridley)
The mapping of the genome has been one of the most ambitious adventures undertaken by 'modern man. The goal was so impressive as to leave baffled: thousands of genes to be deciphered and millions of chemical bases to rebuild. But little by little around the project has grown a voltage similar to that which accompanies major events. Today, after a public entity, a corporation headed by a former surfer were challenged with no holds barred to unravel the secrets and the elusive beauty, the genome has become a celebrity. He is dedicated magazines and websites as a movie star. Knowing our genetic code has put us in front of a new way of doing science, to tackle the disease, to understand the organizations and to rethink our origins.
untangling between past and future, history and prospects, Matt Ridley takes us by the hand through the maze of complex biological systems, concern from the beginning to eliminate a common misconception: "genes do not exist to cause disease." The knowledge of the "kit" that we inherit from our ancestors is not a condemnation, but always a possibility. Twenty-two chapters one to tell the autobiography of a species, ours, Chromosomal jumping from one to another. A lucid guide to overcome the misunderstandings that surround sounds and one of the most compelling issues of contemporary scientific view, and understand, finally, because we are free and as determined by DNA
Sunday, November 22, 2009
Greek And Roman Mythology In Romeo And Juliet
COMMITTEE OF PARENTS November 19, 2009
Hello everyone.
We are already at the second meeting of the Assembly of the Parents' Committee.
below the record of what happened.
squad: all parents of pupils
Present: nr. 22 parents
Parents gathered from 18.30 to 20:15 to deal with the following agenda: Approval of the Statute
Election of officers;
Website and blog of the Parents' Committee;
Consideration of the projects identified by the school management;
Project "Alcoholism and Drug Addiction: let's talk!
ASEOP Donation Association.
The meeting approved the following:
1. The Statute of the Parents' Committee was approved and signed by the parents present. Copies are available upon request to the President and the online blog at:
was elected President Mrs Rita Captains, Vice-President Mr. Mario Parenti, Secretary Luis Leon, Treasurer Maureen Rondelli.
Ms Claudia Luppi is available to take delivery of the cookbooks created last year to be advertised and sold during the year.
Parents become law Councillors present: Vignudini Monica, Cinzia Manfredini (1 C), Joseph Mignola, Paul Fiore, Marzia Fagg (1D), Chiletti Mara, Brusiani Hermann, Laura Bastai (1F), Francesco Morandi (1G), Luppi Claudia (2A), Maurizio Rondelli, Gorrieri Tiziana (2D), Clement Baldoni, Gianelli Christian Parenti, Mario, Captain Rita (2G), Gazzard Robert, Alessandra Guidi (3A), and Biolchini Antonella Luisa Leoni (1B and 3C).
Mr. Francesco Morandi informed the meeting that the Committee's website is up and running. The invitation for the next meeting will be made via e-mail and therefore are collected email addresses of the parents present.
Among the projects identified by the headmaster for a contribution from the Parents' Committee two seem interesting
Draft English with native speakers;
Musical Theatre Project-prof. Sunflowers and Professor Vitulano for classes 2 ... ....
These projects are still under development is appropriate to collect more precise information first taking a decision.
like the idea of \u200b\u200bproposing to the school that the CG may every year, "finance" (perhaps only partially) a theater and musical activities for classes 2.
parents present agreed about the importance of prevention in the school on issues such as alcoholism, drug addiction, smoking, sexuality etc.
Therefore, it seems important to continue the collaboration (already) between school psychologists and ASL ASL and possibly invite a manager to explain to the CG which can be the most effective interventions.
6. The Assembly may decide to make a donation to the Association ASEOP to fulfill a commitment made last year. The sum will be 700 €, representing 10% of collection for the sale of all cookbooks. The next meeting will decide how to publicize the initiative.
Signed by the President of the Captains

Hello everyone.
We are already at the second meeting of the Assembly of the Parents' Committee.
below the record of what happened.
squad: all parents of pupils
Present: nr. 22 parents
Parents gathered from 18.30 to 20:15 to deal with the following agenda: Approval of the Statute
Election of officers;
Website and blog of the Parents' Committee;
Consideration of the projects identified by the school management;
Project "Alcoholism and Drug Addiction: let's talk!
ASEOP Donation Association.
The meeting approved the following:
1. The Statute of the Parents' Committee was approved and signed by the parents present. Copies are available upon request to the President and the online blog at:
was elected President Mrs Rita Captains, Vice-President Mr. Mario Parenti, Secretary Luis Leon, Treasurer Maureen Rondelli.
Ms Claudia Luppi is available to take delivery of the cookbooks created last year to be advertised and sold during the year.
Parents become law Councillors present: Vignudini Monica, Cinzia Manfredini (1 C), Joseph Mignola, Paul Fiore, Marzia Fagg (1D), Chiletti Mara, Brusiani Hermann, Laura Bastai (1F), Francesco Morandi (1G), Luppi Claudia (2A), Maurizio Rondelli, Gorrieri Tiziana (2D), Clement Baldoni, Gianelli Christian Parenti, Mario, Captain Rita (2G), Gazzard Robert, Alessandra Guidi (3A), and Biolchini Antonella Luisa Leoni (1B and 3C).
Mr. Francesco Morandi informed the meeting that the Committee's website is up and running. The invitation for the next meeting will be made via e-mail and therefore are collected email addresses of the parents present.
Among the projects identified by the headmaster for a contribution from the Parents' Committee two seem interesting
Draft English with native speakers;
Musical Theatre Project-prof. Sunflowers and Professor Vitulano for classes 2 ... ....
These projects are still under development is appropriate to collect more precise information first taking a decision.
like the idea of \u200b\u200bproposing to the school that the CG may every year, "finance" (perhaps only partially) a theater and musical activities for classes 2.
parents present agreed about the importance of prevention in the school on issues such as alcoholism, drug addiction, smoking, sexuality etc.
Therefore, it seems important to continue the collaboration (already) between school psychologists and ASL ASL and possibly invite a manager to explain to the CG which can be the most effective interventions.
6. The Assembly may decide to make a donation to the Association ASEOP to fulfill a commitment made last year. The sum will be 700 €, representing 10% of collection for the sale of all cookbooks. The next meeting will decide how to publicize the initiative.
Signed by the President of the Captains
Greek And Roman Mythology In Romeo And Juliet
COMMITTEE OF PARENTS November 19, 2009
Hello everyone.
We are already at the second meeting of the Assembly of the Parents' Committee.
below the record of what happened.
squad: all parents of pupils
Present: nr. 22 parents
Parents gathered from 18.30 to 20:15 to deal with the following agenda: Approval of the Statute
Election of officers;
Website and blog of the Parents' Committee;
Consideration of the projects identified by the school management;
Project "Alcoholism and Drug Addiction: let's talk!
ASEOP Donation Association.
The meeting approved the following:
1. The Statute of the Parents' Committee was approved and signed by the parents present. Copies are available upon request to the President and the online blog at:
was elected President Mrs Rita Captains, Vice-President Mr. Mario Parenti, Secretary Luis Leon, Treasurer Maureen Rondelli.
Ms Claudia Luppi is available to take delivery of the cookbooks created last year to be advertised and sold during the year.
Parents become law Councillors present: Vignudini Monica, Cinzia Manfredini (1 C), Joseph Mignola, Paul Fiore, Marzia Fagg (1D), Chiletti Mara, Brusiani Hermann, Laura Bastai (1F), Francesco Morandi (1G), Luppi Claudia (2A), Maurizio Rondelli, Gorrieri Tiziana (2D), Clement Baldoni, Gianelli Christian Parenti, Mario, Captain Rita (2G), Gazzard Robert, Alessandra Guidi (3A), and Biolchini Antonella Luisa Leoni (1B and 3C).
Mr. Francesco Morandi informed the meeting that the Committee's website is up and running. The invitation for the next meeting will be made via e-mail and therefore are collected email addresses of the parents present.
Among the projects identified by the headmaster for a contribution from the Parents' Committee two seem interesting
Draft English with native speakers;
Musical Theatre Project-prof. Sunflowers and Professor Vitulano for classes 2 ... ....
These projects are still under development is appropriate to collect more precise information first taking a decision.
like the idea of \u200b\u200bproposing to the school that the CG may every year, "finance" (perhaps only partially) a theater and musical activities for classes 2.
parents present agreed about the importance of prevention in the school on issues such as alcoholism, drug addiction, smoking, sexuality etc.
Therefore, it seems important to continue the collaboration (already) between school psychologists and ASL ASL and possibly invite a manager to explain to the CG which can be the most effective interventions.
6. The Assembly may decide to make a donation to the Association ASEOP to fulfill a commitment made last year. The sum will be 700 €, representing 10% of collection for the sale of all cookbooks. The next meeting will decide how to publicize the initiative.
Signed by the President of the Captains

Hello everyone.
We are already at the second meeting of the Assembly of the Parents' Committee.
below the record of what happened.
squad: all parents of pupils
Present: nr. 22 parents
Parents gathered from 18.30 to 20:15 to deal with the following agenda: Approval of the Statute
Election of officers;
Website and blog of the Parents' Committee;
Consideration of the projects identified by the school management;
Project "Alcoholism and Drug Addiction: let's talk!
ASEOP Donation Association.
The meeting approved the following:
1. The Statute of the Parents' Committee was approved and signed by the parents present. Copies are available upon request to the President and the online blog at:
was elected President Mrs Rita Captains, Vice-President Mr. Mario Parenti, Secretary Luis Leon, Treasurer Maureen Rondelli.
Ms Claudia Luppi is available to take delivery of the cookbooks created last year to be advertised and sold during the year.
Parents become law Councillors present: Vignudini Monica, Cinzia Manfredini (1 C), Joseph Mignola, Paul Fiore, Marzia Fagg (1D), Chiletti Mara, Brusiani Hermann, Laura Bastai (1F), Francesco Morandi (1G), Luppi Claudia (2A), Maurizio Rondelli, Gorrieri Tiziana (2D), Clement Baldoni, Gianelli Christian Parenti, Mario, Captain Rita (2G), Gazzard Robert, Alessandra Guidi (3A), and Biolchini Antonella Luisa Leoni (1B and 3C).
Mr. Francesco Morandi informed the meeting that the Committee's website is up and running. The invitation for the next meeting will be made via e-mail and therefore are collected email addresses of the parents present.
Among the projects identified by the headmaster for a contribution from the Parents' Committee two seem interesting
Draft English with native speakers;
Musical Theatre Project-prof. Sunflowers and Professor Vitulano for classes 2 ... ....
These projects are still under development is appropriate to collect more precise information first taking a decision.
like the idea of \u200b\u200bproposing to the school that the CG may every year, "finance" (perhaps only partially) a theater and musical activities for classes 2.
parents present agreed about the importance of prevention in the school on issues such as alcoholism, drug addiction, smoking, sexuality etc.
Therefore, it seems important to continue the collaboration (already) between school psychologists and ASL ASL and possibly invite a manager to explain to the CG which can be the most effective interventions.
6. The Assembly may decide to make a donation to the Association ASEOP to fulfill a commitment made last year. The sum will be 700 €, representing 10% of collection for the sale of all cookbooks. The next meeting will decide how to publicize the initiative.
Signed by the President of the Captains
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